Whats up with ET?

So, I didnt play ET for few weeks and now this happens:
image: img_59b0ec9b5405da1ddc04584c5a936c31

image: img_1dd5d13a9b0849279e8c0af00b840d90

Whats up with that? Drivers seem to be ok and all..

edit: IM RUNNING ON LINUX and CPU usage and all are normal. The FPS is VERY UNSTABLE, going from 4fps to 125fps. I know HOW TO FIX IT (prolly), but I want to know WHY IT HAPPENS. My config is PERFECT. I dont have ANY EXTRA PROGRAMS running on the background OR ANYTHING ELSE.
first 2nd and 3rd
river tuner
nope, this is within the limits:D just r_picmip 3 i think
and its riva tuner
Riva Tuner on linux?
ofc not. Who would write such a non sence
Check your processes and see if there is something running like PnKbStr.exe, something like that (>'-')>
linux you boi
what about reinstaling ur system?
It's not Windows.
maybe you forgot WoW.exe backround? Happens to me quite a lot
same here =D
I get problems like that too every once in a while... my comp should get 333 or at least 125 on every map, but I play with 76 since I'm used to it, and sometimes the fps meter SAYS its stable 76, but I can see that it isn't, and usually its a problem with the minimizer, or vista :<

edit: or 20+ tabs open in firefox, or 2 ET clients on at the same time or just something using up much resources? :F
A talking fps meter... wanna have that too :(
Not sure what else it could be apart from mentioned previously..

try sheeps cfg :o
do you have xfire running??

for like 2 moths my 200fps abled pc was getting <60fps until i closed xfire one day to play and got it all back... theres a way to have it open and still get full FPS you need to close ingaming chatting or something like that
"My config is PERFECT."

upload pls
No, its for me and me only.

close them in processes and it should work!!
Linux doesnt have pb_punkbusterA nor B
next time post it in your mainpost!! then i dont have to write anything!!!!

if you know how to fix it do it and dont bother us with the famous question "why" ffs
prolly PB? is it in the startup only or ?
oh linux user, nice pb cant detect any hack in linux :]
only hackers who get busted are using windows lolz :>
try running with 'nice', or something like that. 'man nice' for more info :)
try using hdparm to get hints whether your fps lags are caused by HD accesses. You could also take a look at the logfiles in /var/log.
U tried Et:qw, ET is geting revenge.
lol strAf
ati or nvidia ?
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