Italian mob [Flemish / English]

Blushelikopter beschoten
In de buurt van Napels is een blushelikopter beschoten. De watertank is doorzeefd met kogels. Volgens de politie gaat het om misdadige bendes. Die willen niet dat de talrijke bosbranden in de streek worden geblust.

In Zuid-Italië zijn er momenteel zo'n 600 bosbranden. Vele zijn aangestoken. De misdadigers willen naar verluidt de toeristen wegjagen.

Daarna zouden eigenaars van hotels en campings worden gedwongen om hun bezit goedkoop van de hand te doen.
He's back

image: godfather
"i'll make him an offer, that he can't refuse!" (EDITTED)

so what happened in english pls?
tell me dear, what is the offer? :~>
that he can't REFUSE

quote the master correctly plz dear Schneez0r! :0
oh noez.. done..
thank you :D you won't find a horsehead in your bed tonight now :D
i would cry if i would have one, thats for sure. :p
english plz
Just some criminals shooting at copters who try to extinguish the 600 fire's over there in Naples (lots were started by the criminals themselves), they don't want the copters to extinguish the fire cuz they hope the fire will scare the tourists away so the camping and hotel owners would have to sell their property for rly low prizes.

That sounded so oldskool mob-like that I started dreaming about The Godfather!
criminals shot an airplane that carried wather to throw over forestfires in napels, to hunt away the tourists, and force the hotel owners to sell their hotels for a low price

b-film scenario...
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