mouse probs again

i dunno why, but its my second mouse, what doesnt like me.. it broke after 2 month again!!!
first i had razer copperhead - usb broke
microsoft habu - usb broke again!

anybody know, if its normal or is it just my usb or wtf???
which mouse shall i buy now?? i need a flat mouse like these 2 above, so no g5 or mx...
thx for help

edit: the best: it seems it only disconnects/connects while im playing et.. when i leave server, no problems or not that much.. .. -.- wtf

random song:
Razer Deathadder
razer da
anyone can say anything but i never saw or heard logitech usb broke. razer seems lowskilled in usb ports and wtf microsoft too?
i heard same about razer, thats why i bought microsoft after this and now again same prob.. :/
i m using a g5 from the starts of my online gaming... it means around 1,2 years imo and still no probs... but i prefer g5 ergonomy and not razer . anyway for me g5 is more than perfect.
well say hello to me, the guy with logitech mouse that has it's usb broken
ye i think u r unique.
i had mx518 and its usb broke

tested it, cant reach all buttons.. hands are too small. :/
pink!!!! ;)
soll wohl ne gute maus sein .. habe sie selbst nie getestet :D
i cant test this mouse, if i wont find it at a electronic shop.. hmm we'll see
buy in inet?!
but me wanna test it.. what if i dont like it? :D
here in my city u can buy it :>
i guess i will find this mouse in berlin too.. :D
well Berlin is a small city... so i dont think so =)
use ps2?
doesnt work.. my pc didnt notice my mouse if i use ps2 :/
kauf dir razer diamondback und behalte den kassenbon
habe die schon 2 mal umgetauscht :D aber die hält jetzt schon lange
i could change this mouse too again since me have the bill, but its getting annoying to do this every 2 month. well maybe the new one wont break :/
logitech > all
could it be that it isnt my mouse who makes the prob but my usb that doesnt work fine anymore? maybe the contacts?
possibly, you can test your mouse(s) on a different computer to be sure
the prob is, that it works for a while and sometimes i have these "plug in/plug out" every 5seconds. now it works for over an hour :/
I know what you mean, some friend of mine had it aswell

- Does it happen all the time or just while you're playing
- Does it happen all the time ( before and after gaming ), or only afer you played a game

ps : Your mousewire is probably broken so you'll have to get a new one I think
it happens all the day but not that often.. like maybe 2 times per day... when i wanna join server, it starts all 5 seconds and i have to disconnect!! :/ so its more when i wanna play (and after i disconnected its still for some minutes)

well i will change it tomorrow, need to search my bill for it.. -.-
ive got that with my MX518, but its been at me for about 2/3 years now :D

It just gets disconnected when im playing and connects back, i hear the usb sound of it getting disconnected and reconnecting, its very annoying ;D

its definetely the wire as even when i tried ps2 it still did this

ive got absolutely no money to buy a mouse and since im not playing so seriously anymore theres no need, as long as it doesnt get disconnected alot for long periods of time its 'ok' :D
well i tested it again, joined public, played 5 minutes and plugin/plugout never stopped again until me was leaving server.. -.-
now no probs again.. so i cant play but use it for normal stuff, like next song on winamp. ... :/
i got the same :D
with that happening "only" three things can cause it:

1. sensor electronics: probably it cannot handle the high G and it kills the mouse(roughly said)

2.cable: if you have warranty go and have your cable replaced, and if the guys there claim it is working normally while testing it, tell them to have it plugged longer and try to make fast movements and then lift the mouse up immediately(try it yourself to see if it happens)

3. fucked up USB port: if you didn't overclock it, go and check does your USB port provide enough current (device manager>right click on every USB Root Hub>properties>power tab; you should have 500 mA per port and your mouse should use 98-100 mA)
or reinstall the USB drivers and check if it happens again
also a friend told me that it happens with microsoft USB drivers from years 2002-2004, no idea why

seeing as it happened to both mice I'd assume it's something with your USB ports
ehhm thx for help, but where can i update or dl latest drivers for USB?? dunno what to google.. :/
try to search it on , I don't remember the last time I searched for them so can't give you direct url, sry :(

is this right dl??
I think that should be it, there were some new drivers from 2005 but they seem to be removed :/

edit: just remembered, you should have USB drivers on the CD that you got with your motherboard(considered you have a motherboard that is not older than 5 years), might be better to use that
edit2: might be some drivers on winxp sp2 CD(if u have xp and sp2)
i have the second edit, my motherboard is older i guess. :/
anyway i did some paper btw usb and plug connection. for a while i can play.. but still missing the receipt. ahhh.
thx for ur help. :D
get a logitech... I use the same Mx510 for 3 years now, and no problems at all.
u seem to have a very agressive personality if every mouse is broken after 2 months :D
ofc same for my headsets and my chair.. :/
Belgium mAus probs?
ye i blame maus for my fucking mouse probs!!!
hope u read it!!
Atleast test the mouse in some other pc, if it's also shit there then get a new one.

You could try the Logitech - G3 Laser Mouse seems small. not sure about performance.
And other flat mouse are the razers but they can break pretty fast, could try the deathadder.
Or get bigger hands :/
thx for help daddy ^^
This daddy thing is so wrong ^_^
but i like it ;)
K, you can keep it, but then i'll ask you for something in the near future :)
Who's your daddy ?1?
razer's all your fault
gL Germany schNee
thx schatzie <3
deathadder sollte jut sein.
i have a razer diamondback and mine never broke :| have it almost 1 year i guess. gold plated USB :D

well gl schnee, hope you find a mouse that works for you :)
using gold plated usb too... :/ tomorrow me will go to electronic shop and gonna shout these stupid ppl who sold me this mouse!!

and thx :D
go get m girl! :D
don't use usb?
I guess mouse can work fine without setpoint..
well it does at me. ^^
my pc doesnt notice my mouse if i conect via ps2
you need a reboot after you connect something to ps/2. most new mice dont work on ps/2 anymore (copperhead, g5, deathadder), basicly all usb 2.0 mice, the ones that allow you to change mouserate in their drivers.

If you get it to work on ps/2 your cable is broken. To improve ps/2 performance go to my computer > right click > properties > device manager > mice > ps/2 HID mice > properties
set mouserate to 200hz
increase the buffer
Just buy a G7, cordless mice > all
too big for me :/
dont buy cordless

+ bestest mouse out there
+ optical
+ good drivers (no need for accelfixes etc)
+ intelli 3.0 shape <3
- razer mice tend to break fast, make sure to keep the receit

+ mx5xx shape, love it or hate it
+ lots of buttons you can actually use (unlike diamondback and copperhead side buttons)
+ optical
+ good drivers (no need for accelfixes etc)
- afaik you cannot change mouserate with drivers

+ mx3xx shape, love it or hate it
- laser
- higher liftoff distance, when you pick up the mouse the xhair will shake
thx for ur help.. im gonna test them tomorrow at shop.. hopefully it works longer than 2month. ;)
buy logitech if you dont want to buy a new mice every 6 months :P
guy at store will try to convince you laser > all, just ignore him and say you prefer optical :P
G1 = Optical.

Selling one at ebay at the moment btw ;)
Just buy Logitech G5 and be happy.
i had usb problems with my mx518 and 1st copperhead also. My 2nd copperhead broke also but diff reason tho.

Atm waiting for my 3rd copperhead :p
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