huge fps drops

hi! I formatted my disk not long ago and I reinstalled ET and q3
and sometimes I get huge fps drops like 1-15 FPS then again normal
for some time then same again.
then I get kicked because of losing key packets.
I reinstalled drivers twice I have no viruses, no spyware etc and I have Windows XP.
Before format my ET and q3 were working well.

anybody help? :<
format works always
punkbuster sucks
indeed, then it kicks me because of losing key packets. :<
hehe owned schnee :D
punkbusterA.exe and punkbusterb.exe imho
so is that like in my processes when I'm running my ET?
its in your processes when you starting your computer you can turn it off generaly when you open msconfig!!

or turn it off manualy when you simply close the process after booting!!

(i have to turn them off manualy because sometimes i want to play cod2 and it wont work without them!)
yeah but my HD is like empty?
I already did twice, same problem and reinstalled ET too same shit.
hi! wakka wakka?
Drink fanta! be bamboocha!
dober dan , maybe try to update your PB:XD
sounds like pb problem
how do I update it? :p
in the pb folder there is a file called pbweb update... run it, it will take some minutes
yes pb update in ET but , if u wanna do it in q3, you must get it:
its seems u loosing key packets
new PC coming soon, need to wait for few months! \o/
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