Cheating... is it for fun?

As we all know, today, in most servers, cheating is one of the most common thing! Either aimbot or wallhack. Why are people doing this? Is it to show that they know how to hack punkbuster or is it just for fun? Why hack? What's the fun of having aimbot or wallhack and go in a server and use them? I think that people are doing so to show that they know how to hack punkbuster not for any other reason because every client on a server realises that a player has aimbot or wallhack. And the hackers try to act innocent. The point of this journal is to show that hacking is like a competition to show that people know how to hack and one better than the other not because they want to be better.

give cheaters more journals and attention. we kinda need that!
les ich heut schon zum 2. mal von dir .. eigtl eh richtig ;P
alle meine d2 items sind weg :'(
bist aba selbst schuld -.-
xD, was eigentlich mit eurem lanteam?
gute frage.. brauchen ne rifle oder wen der 6. macht
2nd that
why should people know how to hack? I don't think any of the recently busted players coded their own cheats
Programmers know how to hack pb, not users! -.-
"rules are ment to be broken"...

its like asking why birds fly
Yes cheaters are normally deficient in some other part of there life and feel they have to compensate. Like they have small dicks and feel that cheating will boost their e-penis to compensate. :D If you ever get a chance to view the pictures area on nc private forums you will see why they dont get out much, bunch of kids XD
I'm impressed how you can still laugh about other ppls life, looks or whatever, looking at your photo it is quite an achievement. Besides what does beeing a kid have to do with someones life, don't see any connection. Other than that, theyre sad cheating fuckers :D
at least i dare put a picture on you are probably an ugly spotty teenager who is scared to meet people outside of his pc. Or maybe not :D
ET needs alot of patiance and especialy time to become skilled or atleast play in high competive, not all peoples are patiance and prefer doing it quicker by having programs to boost their skills, or they just want to quit ET or play for fun to see the whine.
"because they are mentally ill and dont have friends so they have so much frustrations that they will annoy people"

delete the internet part and u described a person i know in rl
its pretty fun to shoot 3hs everytime without even trying -.-
its pretty fun that the guy your describing think he is the one doing the shooting -,-
What im saying is that you could go watch a bot fragmovie instead, then you wouldn't even have to move.
what a stupid question...
"they know how to hack punkbuster" that is probably the bullshittest sentence ever... 99% of the hacks users got no idea of how they even work... they just use them... (it wouldn't be that bad if everyone was using their OWN hax, but most are using public shit)

edit: not saying that it is GOOD to use your OWN hax, but it wouldn't be that childish.. I think
Then you would have a large bunch of skilled coders that you could put to work.
I don't think that the reason why there are cheaters is to show that they know how to hack punkbuster.

I think that the reason is, the cheaters are bored and wanted to laugh. They buy or whatever cheats and go play on public/wars. The most react to him and the person who cheats can laugh his ass of because he get attention. He knows that the people are kind of pissed in their real live.

Another reason is that they want to stop playing et. But they haven't a life anymore. They MUST quit with playing ET. One simple way, use cheats, get banned, stop playing ET.
I don't see a single case where someone have been able to stop because he raged a pub with nexus, or doing anything alike.

I think that it's more common that people that have already stopped playing ET on an active state would do such a thing.

Which brings us to lunatics case with a ban and an invite to dcd3. x-O
afaik there was a Netherlands player who was such addicted to ET that he cant stop playing and tried to get busted to stop playing ET (he got busted by his friend ofc)
And did he stop with ET after? x-]
yes he did (for at least around a week :DDD)
he prolly spoofed under that week anyways x-O
at least just a few guys know how to hack the others are just stupid kids who dll a hack and installed it (with an installation menü i guess)
I think cheaters just are lazy retards who want to pwn without having to work for it :o
i think they want to play with the best without training so hard and long
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