5v5 now hv server

plz now :X we are tired to wait nobody play et at nigh?..boring
/join #etscrim

american warfinding channel (prepare to play with high ping)

probably the only place to find a game at this time, I often do some late night mercing for the yanks :P
huhu oke ty
get a life
go work and post on xfire lolx
at least nobody play 5on5 at night!!
Since I've played some scrims and offis with Canadians I've discovered that It's much easier to get a 4on4 and a 5on5 than it is in Europe. But on the other hand, 6on6 is more rare as I've noticed.

Anyways, many americans/canadians play with low maxpackets and the ping your going to have is gonna make your scrim a living hell.
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