<xAv_> news: bSTURZ back in business!
31 Aug 2007, 15:08
as xAv_ said bSTURZ return now with a massive lineup
still the same lineup with one oldskooler bSTURZ player spirea who return from the diablo shitgame
and one awesome player named efax with great aim and style of playing who also will attend cdc3.
and xav returing from retirement ofc better then ever
still the same lineup with one oldskooler bSTURZ player spirea who return from the diablo shitgame
and one awesome player named efax with great aim and style of playing who also will attend cdc3.
and xav returing from retirement ofc better then ever
gl at cdc
if they aint going they prolly have more reasons then that.
Maybe becouse. you pay alot more then you can actually win at the LAN? is that a nice way of spending money.
some people aint just living at home with their parents getting everything they point at.
some people do stuff for a fucking living and dont have this luxary to throw money away
and im working, i hardly get something from my parents.
the reason i attend to the lan is not to play a couple of 6on6 matches, it is much more. like meeting all the et-players, have a talk with em, to get to know my own teammates personal and not just over the internet, etc.
have more to do then that sorry.
going to school/work.
and to attend cdc3 from sweden with plane would cost me 300 euro or something for 2 days and then i need to pay for a hotell and entrecee fee on this LAN and food now we are up for about 400-500 euro after this LAN.
for what? look into all comments we get and see what i mean
is this what you call friends etc whining all they can actually do.
and every comment you type to me or anyone in bSTURZ is always negative and such and trying to be cool on someones misstake so i asume you haven't grown much but this last serious comment you made weer actually very nice and i get to see another side of you i'm glad i was wrong then
GL at LAN and hope you drop that whatever you do sometimes/against us
we got bored after having 5+ enigmas
about 50 hrs etc...
mythos istn able to play in any league btw, efax is busted too.
what about your cdc3 plans?
myth6s is far from banned and remains playing in every league he wants...
next stupid lie please
here some more mythos stuff, must be the third forum thread
Im not that retard, who got busted 3 times in the last weeks @ cf, thx.
shit you knows better then me
btw QUOTE =]
I feel sorry for you
ok np but do you go to cdc3
then you can touch me how the pro deals it
you can meet me at the xfire lan where quakewars will be played
ps : c est quoi cette enroule? go xp sale lamer
mais bc plus lentement je suis que 26 la ;(
but myth6s has been busted already, he is a well known german hacker
GL ngr
i dont think we will attend cdc3. Not as a team
once and for all just listen
krein dialer unix myth6s were going to attend cdc3 with 2 other players.
I was unavalible to attend cdc3 becouse of work and school
and becouse we coulden't find the 2 players in time and krein on vacation for the qualifer it was fuck it.
and if we would have had a direct invite we would maybe search those 2 players so we could attend,but as we diden't we diden't care much afterwards and coulden't play the qualifer and now we coulden't care less about this tournement.
We were active and had 6 players active they knew nothing about me not attending but as i said we aint going we dont want to go but please stop talking about stuff you have no idea about
edit: im a retard
The demos are gone somehow i cant see them.
ip,s diden't match anyway from that demo.
I tried to talk to bulldog about it long time ago.
he said no.
he aint banned.
so whats your point?
he played with hackers??
thats a really good thing to kick someone for :P
btw nice text you are writing
it was another guy
myth6s: no
fuchs: ok, i knew you are clean!
kassa lapp
PLEASE, you stop right before the cdc even if you have easy qualifier match, and get back right after the signup are closed.... best joke i ever saw xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
We went into a summerbreak a long time be4 the CDC invitations were out. So whats the point of playing a quali-match with 3 ppl? No direct invite unfortunalty, but I dont care anyway.
you cared atleast :)
o wait, there are still 2 spots open :o
sup whiner
noone of us is busted or banned afaik.
its not normal, its pathetic.
Well... its also kinda pointless now to discuss about all these things with "online-only`n stuff" the flame/whine wont take an end anyway.
So just keep it like this.
I already told u my opinion about all that stuff and the fact still is: noone is busted or banned, no .avi, no pb_ss... whateva.
At least u also would be kinda pissd after reading too much crap.
hässliche ösi kaqfresse
naja von hässlichen hauptschülern aus dem hässlichen österreich kann man eh nix andres erwarten.
hausse rein y@ng
Los myth6s, los mein kleiner such, such dich, LOS!
weil dich keiner will .. wieso will dich keiner?? WEIL DU NEN VERHURTER HAXXER bist
und anhaben? proof?
i cheated 1 day before I quitted et... so care
Ni klagar på att ni inte får direct invite när ni ändå får qualifier mot världens sämsta lag.
Ni "orkar" inte spela er qualifier
Ni gör journaler där ni helt uppenbart kommer bli flejmade och ni flejmar självklart tillbaka
och nu när ni ändå kan komma till CDC3 utan att behöva spela någon match, då vill ni inte åka för att det kostar pengar, ojojoj, 3000 kr för att åka dit eller något, sen om ni klagar på hotell, om ni nu så gärna ville åka till detta så kan ni ju fan sova på flygplatsen, eller få godispapper i ansiktet av mesqi i en bungallow.
Snälla sluta håll på alltså, ni är så pinsama och inte fan har ni bevisat att ni är bra heller
English translation
Really, seriously.. you guys are really good at making a fool out of yourselves, i can't remember seeing anything like this.
You make journals where you quite obiviously will be flamed and you flame back
You're "too lazy" to play your qualifier
and now when you can come to CDC3 anyway without having to play any match, then you don't want to go because it costs money, oh! 314,45 € to go there or something, then if you're whining at the price of the hotel, if you want to go so badly then you can fucking sleep at the airport or get candypaper thrown in your face by mesqi in a bungallow.
Please stop doing this seriously, you're so embarrasing and you didn't fucking prove that you're good either..
Skickat: den 10 juli 2006 04:38:33
Till: [email protected]
Ämne: Inaktiv
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danne, lol.. skickar ett kasst mail pga att jag antagligen inte kommer komma in 12:00 imorgon som vanligt, (Kolla klockaN :X)
alltså, jag kommer gå inaktiv under sommaren nu pga att
# 1 : Mina föräldrar hotar med dator förbud ifall jag inte slutar spela så mycket som jag gör.
# 2 : Jag sabbar för det mesta för er nu pga att jag ofta måste sticka mitt under dagen..
# 3 : Jag vaknar alltid för sent för er och ni sticker för tidigt för mig -___-
# 4 : Jag har även tappat lusten att lira, jag spelar kasst vartenda pracc nu för tiden, du såg ju mot A+R, jag har aldrig spelat så dåligt i mitt liv (wolfcama mig :x)
# 5 : Jag har svårt att lira 12 timmar om dagen som ni vill :P (speciellt pga att jag är på öland som är näst varmast i sverige just nu -__________-)
tvingas alltså gå inaktiv tills skolan börjar igen (och jag har fixat mitt internet.. för jag åker snart hem)
För i början när vi hade skola jämnade allt ut sig, för att du och jag alltid kommer på samtidigt för att vi har plugg och vi båda måste gå och lägga oss typ samtidigt.
ni måste hitta en bra replacement för mig, verkligen.... kolla med kiitos ifall han kan svika RaZeR :D
annars jONAS, fast ni kanske kommer ha problem pga att han är så rambo, annars så kanske ni tvingas gå EU :# testa med Hein eller Dodgeh (wizzel vet vilka dom är, dom är bra)
När jag kommer tillbaks vill jag ha min plats tillbaks! (vi svek ju aldrig dig!)
nu gråter wizzel fett med blod men, jag kommer bara sabba klanen ifall det fortsätter som det gör nu -_________-
snackas på IRC/MSN senare antagligen, lat3r
(btw gör en ny flik - Inactive och lägg mig där på CB, samt i ET-CUP ifall ni hittar en replacement så är det bara att snacka med NxM som wizzel känner)
aja ses
Some ppl never change, NuggaN is a typical example
Never argue with a fool, they never know when u win!
Therefor i dont rly care anymore.... do whatever u want...
rETARDZ back in business !
2. all of these players aren`t s busted
3. and then repuation = skilled clan
4. for bad reputation = cheater a point
5. whine isn`t a bad reputation
6. and when you know a whiner, then is he really nice to you
so the conclusion is
seems like we never had a fair chance to do right, i mean 1 misstake from bSTURZ and thats it. so that just means why would we ever wanna be a part of those kids that whine 24/7 about us. :)
If u dont attend to any lans and u actually beat the shit out of some top clans u get pointed out as a cheater Thats how this community works...
You need to be famous to be good and not the other way around.
So I actually need to play with some top clans, and not beating them... cuz if, im a cheater.. then explain to me, Do i have to be friend with "mystic" to be famous? Some players have been influensed of the same shit crap talks for years now and still they get accused cuz they didnt know "mystic" back then... So please TosspoT, Ive prob played this game longer then u, the accusations have been going on for years, still no results... I wonder how wrong a person actually can have on a scale... some ppl never change!
gl myth6s