Envy me

Oh yes three pairs of Steelseries headsets delivered this morning. Just for me, free of charge! (3H, 4H, 5H v2 USB) And I'm going to go get some lunch now, fancy a chicken tikka sandwich on brown bread and then I might chill in the garden since the weather is so nice!

What's everyone else up to this Thursday dinner time?
Shit day, as usually.

I hope you get some disease from your bread and die.
AHH, would a hug help? :(
There's only one thing left that will help.........
So you've got the ones that people were promised but never sent :X
Either way I got what I was promised! Nice one deleting my comment in the CDC Tournament Changes news by the way!
DEM SHIFTY FUCKING ADMINS...someone deleted my comment from the news post. Was something along the lines of

"Feel as if CDC3 is losing its momentum because of the canceled games, unfilled tournaments and the shifting date of the second tournament so it would at least be competitive for CoD2 as its nearing its death."

Off the top of my head anyway. Going for some scran now though so bb <3!
Indeed it was!

What were the headsets for? (Would be ebay fodder for me, Steelseries over my sennheisers? GTFO)
Reviews but most likely ebay after. Haven't just got Steelseries either mind you! :-)
i ate some Semmelknödel with Jägersosse!!!

image: 0930
image: V4005500335306
Semmelknödel? haha what a word
yeah semmel is the bavarian word for bread roll and knödel is the yerman word for dumpling so its easy a bread dumpling!!!
why do u need them all?

And no I don't envy u sry, I got sennheiser hd600!
got driving lesson in 2 hours and just had tuna sarnies =D
image: 2020_KaesSchinkZunge

had one of those today, though mine dindt look that pervert
envy me!

I never received the QPAD I was supposed to get from those assholes eyeon-esports

and yeah, it's fucking cold here
send me one evan :D

it'll go nice with my new computer when it comes :D
drinking coffee @ PC
I won't be envying you all afternoon, that's for sure.
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