im hot , yes
good as it seems
I saw this movie. Rly good.

Stephen King<3
where are your night journals? Haven't seen one in a while
I ma not in mod to write here:( and everyone hates my jurnals so... :(
LIES all LIES!!!!
But some journals of yours belong in a blog xD
looks nice!

need torrent link of a yerman version dll the english already
really nice movie, have seen it and i like
this movie sux :|
looks laik a kind of boring.
s. king > all
Looks a bit like "The Shining" :) so a must see i pressume :p
downloading :)

havent seen the trailer tho, looks cool!
who have to be hot there? :O
Nah, Why,btw, The film doesn't have premiere on 14-08?
Edit: Hm, Pretty nice tbh.
because in the US they say the day after the month.. and since there isnt any 14th month.. :)
Hm, screw them =p
very very very nice
trailer looked very promising
looks nice!
seen it, some wtf moments and stuff:D
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