PB problem There is already a journal with that title and/or that body.

Lately many players have been kicked for MULTIHACK #70473 or sth. I have heard it's not caused by any cheat but is a bug of newest PB release. One of my friends who play ET have been kicked for that and i don't know whether he cheats or not, while he ensures me he doesnt :o Anyone with knowledge on this matter is welcome.
pls, im not gonna flame you but explain you, multi = [wallhack + aimbot[/b] hack = you probly know what, so multi + hack = hax.... it's no bug it's the new pb update that ALOT of nexus versions are deteced now.
If you werent a jew i would just laugh about you, but i won't. I have heard its a false positive, but i guess PB wouldn't make such stupid mistake would they? :P
they wont do such stupid mistake, it's a kick for nexus or every outher old cheat which contains aimbot + wallhack, ur friend is ahacker and lied to you. and i didnt understand ur first sentence, you like jews and laught @ nonjews guys? ^^ \o/
Quotethey wont do such stupid mistake

its pb....
just a lot of hackers getting busted, just accept it!
ye i guess :P
dont believe everything you hear
I heard it was a bug with WMP with ET , not gonna test it tho , but no probs with winamp so why should WMP give troubles ?

Cheators i think ...
you should ban urself for saying such stupid thing :P rly
I dont have admin powers :<
pretty strange tbh. Although i dont think that pb suddenly turned into 1337 anti cheat so that all the hackers are beeing busted so suddenly....
it had an update, were all versions(almost all) of nexus are detected now, so peoples who used the nexus after the update are kicked.
it cant be winamp cause i've used it for a long time now simulatelously. no kick at me so probably just pure hax
When did this uppdate come?
39 hours ago.
don't know, i just played a match where someone got kicked but he was too noob to cheat
eth32 v0.6/v0.7/v0.71/v0.72 are all detected. Terrible coders at Cheaters Utopia if you ask me.


That doesn't mean false positives aren't possible but I wish you good luck proving so.
Let me get this straight. If you used Nexus within the last 39 hours you get banned?
eth32* - depends on what server you played.
Any stream server and busted

So go on cyber and get banned :DD
ask him, maybe he just tested hitbox or tried mortar cam on pub once
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