not another et:qw journal

so i downloaded it and played it but I can't get my fps unlocked. ( I already tried several cmds )

Everything is running smooth even on ultra high details but I can't get over my stable 30 fps. :x

I got a Quadcore cpu and the game is running on only 1/4 ( one core ). How can I run it on all 4 cores?
ké./.etqw sux.
How can I run it on all 4 cores?
Wondering the same. if you find a solution please pm me would appreciate it.
Got the same problem help us out! :(
with fps or cpu? ^^
fps and cpu
Do you use windows vista aswell?
dunno why but i can run it on both of my 2 cores
the core stuff are things that will hopefully get fixed with patches on request...

i d qry badman and ask him about his plans on reacting on the cpu development
Start > Programs > ET: QW > Uninstall
idd that will help a lot!!
for me aswell!!! (we should sell vitamin C tablets) :DD
read this:
and then tell us if u can't unlock FPS
Just make sure these values are set in your etqwconfig.cfg, which u will find (strangely enough) in your my docs folder in a folder called idsoftware/base by default.

seta com_unlockfps "1"
seta com_unlock_maxfps "120"
seta com_unlock_timingmethod "0"
seta com_showFPS "1"
it's already in my cfg but still the same :x
mmm did u try playing online? The fps is only restricted if u play offline.
ye, I tried it and fps aren't unlocked anymore. thx!
where i have to put my cfg and stuff.. which folder :O ???
look above or the direct pfad to mine is C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\My Documents\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Demo\base
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