DAMN quake wars sucks ....

just tried the demo ...

I mean, I was skeptical and everything, but ... HOLY SHIT this game is a piece of garbage! From my first deployment it was just PAIN to trudge around ... it just controls horribly ... those STUPID vehicles ... and it looks like ASS. I don't know -- I definitely won't buy it, and whatever. Wish I could say I was under influence or something. Actually the whole fucking game was one bad trip. UGH. pc shooters are definitely going down the toilet more and more as the years go by. soon all we'll have is a bunch of half-assed would-be xbox0r ports and we mustd fart around with gamepads and wiimotes. but that's fun.

cruel world. fuck the future.
agreed :P
actually its just a cheap copy of battlefield.
Didnt read your post but i agree with the title. Qw is dead.
lets just all play ET and/or RTCW
blobbeyvolley pls kkthx bb
the sad irony is that ET -- which is infinitely better -- is free, and you would have to pay actual MONEY to eat the gigantic HORSE SHIT that is quake wars.

makes me reflect on how awesome etpro is.
i liked the aimstyle for gda assault rifle, like a mix of CoD and ET... But it plays very bad on my pc and doesnt even look THAT good
Stop whining about it.

I'd agree that Valley isn't a decent map, I'd agree the vehicles are shit but I wouldn't agree that it looks shit and that FPS games are 'going down the toilet' because that's a fucking retarded comment.
Stop being so negative and go play some MMORPG or some shit
first of all, I won't have to whine about again, because I won't ever touch that demo again.

secondly ... MMORPG ...? I take that as a sick, sick, SICK joke.
don't know what you're about, but I'm trying to state a fact here.
I said MMORPG because it's the lowest form of games anyone can play :XD
mmm... probably
thanks, HIP DUDE.
hmm its a nice game and still need to be improved.. like hs sound and stuff
What's your mouse sens in ETQW? :D
i dunno where to set my sens but i set it on the option at 7.1 but its kinda low still need to find my sens
and some aimbot for good measure?
i already ordered a bot for qw at Netcoders site
thanks. now go a buy a copy when it comes out and burn it. the game is BLASPHEMY against anything that has ever been called "first-person shooter".
why would I buy that peace of shit to burn it? I wont waste even 1 cent on that trash...
I hope Crossfire ditch this "game" in favor or something better ... like Team Fortress 2 or something. don't know.
You made lone replies twice in your own journal, way to go :P
I came up with something even more brilliant, so I added it instead of editing my genius first post. thanks for caring.
TF2 can't be better.
can't be better than the fantastic quake wars?
Compared to TF2 QuakeWars is fantastic.

There wont be any physics that made TF1 good, it will be just xbox360 and wiimote kind of game, with funny characters.

(all based on videos i'v seen, but i would say thats enough...)
Yes, I was looking forward for some bad impressions all day long :)

Though, I cant say I agree on every point you've said. The controls are just normal like in every game (except for flying vehicles, you make them go up with W and move forward with shift, in the BF games it was the other way around I recall). Valley is really a vehicle oriented map and it doesn't give a good ET:QW experience for W:ET players. Have you played on any non vehicle servers yet?

MoHA seems to be doing much worse than ET:QW at the moment :)
I'm playing the demo, so I guess valley is the only [awesome] option I have.
Yes, its making me quite sad a lot of W:ET players will not be able to feel the great atmosphere on maps like Sewer in the last stages.
and why exactly IS moha doing worse? doesn't have the hype? it's YET ANOTHER ww2 shooter? doesn't have the word "quake" in it? all of that, I'd say.
Well a summary, if you want to play online another player has to run a server on his PC (unlike W:ET/ET:QW where people can rent listening servers), you can't run LAN servers either, you can only register one nickname, and you cant add any tags to that. I think without Medal of Honor or Call of Duty we have to hope RTCW2 will be a decent WW2 shooter.
you mean a decent ww2 shooter after it's ported from xbox 360 with COMPLETELY fucked up controls, with no strafing or fast-paced gameplay to speak of whatsoever. could be fun. really, it could.
Most people who wine about ET:QW think RTCW2 will be a great game, but looking at the amount of promotion made for it Activision isn't planning to make it an upper class game. (in ET:QW there was a trailer released every year, RTCW2 has been known to be in development for two years and there is only some interviews and stuff..)
ET:QW aint an upperclass game either, they don't make upperclass fps games anymore nowadays.
Classes are time bound, I'm sure if you would compare ET:QW to most fps titles released at the moment it will be one of the best games.
'In het land der blinden is éénoog koning'.
Quotepc shooters are definitely going down the toilet more and more as the years go by. soon all we'll have is a bunch of half-assed would-be xbox0r ports and we mustd fart around with gamepads and wiimotes. but that's fun.

agree on this part :/
I'll be a decent person and mention a few GOOD thing about quake wars: the crosshairs didn't suck as badly as they did in ET; the server browser was all right. and ... that's all I can think of.
buddytracking and clan system in the beta rocked too, will return in teh full game.

Also, on a map called slipgate you will actually play on two maps instead of one (using slipgate technology)
100% agree with you!

i request sticky on this journal!
liked inf, everything else was crap, especialy the reqs needed.
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