If Belgium Ceased to exist, would anybody notice or care?

if only that would happen

would make this world a better place to live in!
Shut up you whore-exporting country-liver.
We would :)

Same with :

If you would be banned from xfire or #cpma.et , would someone care ?
Would someone except Meez care I would ban you ! ?!
the waffles DURRR
We would :) I'd never want to be part of The Netherlands nor France!
Ugh, harsh words for someone from a non-existing country.
What's a Belgium? Can you eat it?
If you would die, would anyone care?
not me!

edit: oh sorry, misread, thought it said "if I would die, would anyone care" :(
Um... dude...

Why rage? :(
Understood your journal wrong :' thought you were flaming us poor Belgians again :)
by Kardde 20 hours ago
What about the waffles?! Dear god, the waffles!!

- I'd miss the waffles and most of the retards who spam and try to flame here in xfire. (hi vilango, lio & co)
so your the flame master now, you know how to flame people, are you kidding me ?
would be sad day for xfire
no belgium - no d4v1d
The prime minister designate thinks Belgians have nothing in common except “the king, the football team, some beers”, and he describes their country as an “accident of history”.

What about ze famous pedophiles and ze chocolate and mAus?
bad thing = Walloon , mAus = flanders

What about the famous Hitler ?
Don't understand the Hitler question somehow.
What about ze famous pedophiles and ze chocolate and mAus?

What has Germans common? They like hitler or smth?
Yep. That's one thing people would notice if Germany ceased to exist!

"If Belgium Ceased to exist, would anybody notice or care?"
So wth are you saying with :
What about ze famous pedophiles and ze chocolate and mAus?

That we like that dutroux or smth?
I see you don't get the question of this journal.
I do, even better than you.

First of all. Mr Dewinter isnt our prime minister.
You just say we are an accident of history but what about Dutroux in that case...

Oh pls. Be glad we forgave Germany their mistakes of the past.
_NOTICE_ that a country ceased to excist has nothing to do with the good or bad things people connect with a country.

"You just say we are an accident of history..." Where did I say that?
mY bAd

but saying belgium will be remembered as dutroux is like saying germany will be rememberd as willem II and hitler.
Well of course people think about that when Germany is mentioned. The average US citizen only knows Hitler, the Oktoberfest (maybe) and the cars from Germany.
and you drink more beer than we here in Finland! Some fucking exchange student from Germany drank all my beers :/
how can you forgive our mistakes in the future?
you have no fuckin clue what germany will be able to accomplish in the future so dont forgive us yet
dont you know the difference between future and past? if so, how can you say you understood the journals content better than butchji then?

nice edit
Can you say I wrote future ? :/
Nazis liked Hitler, who was Austrian, flaming germans about that is old/kinda stupid =]
yes mashed. But isnt he doing the same ?

Do you think we like child molesters ?
if you had said "hitler, cars, butchji" you wouldve striked back on the comment butchji posted, this way you just showed that youre lacking humor and a sense for stereotypes
Haha you are too funny :)

You guess we like to be compared with pedophiles ?
thats not the point. the point is that were having to deal with being reduced to "like hitler" at least as often as you are said to "have pedos" in your country. its just a fuckin stereotype you have to cope with, and its not just pointing out bad things that butchji did
the famous pedophiles are from the french side
Te kortzichtig om het te snappen die nazi-lover :)
pff word ik zo kwaad van :S
altijd als er iets over belgie wordt gezegd is er wel ergens een grapjas die afkomt met Dutroux...
image: bearcfwk4
The moar you know!
good beer is certainly one of the last things coming to my mind when thinkin bout belgium. cmon whats next, british n good food?
Was a quote of the prime minister of Belgium. :>
i know, but as u should know killin the messenger is always easiest :P
We dont have a prime minister atm :) --> It was mr De Winter. A guy who wants the seperation of Wallonia and Flanders :)
Germany and pretty women.
you surely never drunk belgian beer
omg.... if u seriously think german beer is good and better than belgian beer, they should lock u up in a mental hospital.
been there, dun that, hf poisoning urself ;)
Chocolate is from flanders as is mAus , but still belgium wont sepperate
by doomrat 11 hours ago
Brussels is one of the funnest cities in the world. That alone makes it a country worth existing. They don't threaten anyone, they make amazing food, they know how to have a good time. Wait...it's starting to sound even better than most countries. Maybe Belgiam is awesome and other countries are useless.
well lets all move to Belgium then...
and maybe if we put a little effort into it, we can ban that soft "g" they always use
Thats gonna be thight then :>
the same prime minister who sang french anthem instead of belgian ?
actually the person who is meant here isn't the prime minister, he's a member of an extremist party with whom no other politicians want to form a coalition making him a bitter person :(
Belgium is the lost country
Half should be in france and half in netherlands.
We dont wanna have wallons in france.
Then nobody would be left to be neutral.
Yo for all of you guys to know , belgium sticks together

Its way to complicated to split Flanders and Walloon

Example: What about the capital Brussels ? Its located in Flanders , yes , but they speak but French and Dutch ...

Another thing: It would mean every national sport competition has to be remade (means an even bigger quality drop in football)

Who will be in charge of the seperated country's ?

Brussels wont be the capital of Europe anymore , that's for sure ...

And what about the Euro's ? They will need a new design too , one for Flanders and one for Walloon ...

And it would be a bad example for our colony Congo ...

What will happen there ?

And this is just the top from the never ending mountain ...

So , I really , really doubt it will happen , Flanders and Walloon cant agree now , and they will need to negotiate even more if we split up ...

It wont happen , never ...
"And it would be a bad example for our colony Congo ..."

brush up on your history, colonies are behind us for quite some time now
Oki how do you name Congo then ? I call it a colony , its a habit :o

Even on the news they talk about our colony ...

And they celebrated 75 years Belgium aswell ,so go and get that dictionary :>
how does a dictionary help to find out about that?
Look up the new word for colony since everyone seems to think thats so uber funny!
"Our colony Congo"

As a thought exercise (I'm not seriously advocating this, but it's interesting):

Split Brussels into a separate city-state as the capital of the EU, thus retaining the capital of Europe status. National sports wouldn't be a problem if the two factions merged with the Netherlands and France, and in the case of a split into microstates they couldn't really get much worse. The separated countries would either be ruled by NL and FR or would logically have immediate elections to form two new separate governments. Money is being phased in and out all the time, a gradual reissuing, if needed, isn't a major problem. And Congo is probably quite happy to govern themselves without caring about some political split thousands of miles away.
Lol it was on a report made by experts in these things and congo is very related to us , they are uber happy to be related with us

And they also said that if belgium doesnt exist anymore that Brussel is worthless as capital of the EU , dont know the exact reason behind this (cant remember xD)

Prolly to do with Belgium being with the EU when it was little and Belgium was centerilised and logically it followed by Brussels being the capital of the EU , without Belgium , why keep Brussels as capital ? Yeh its a nice city , true , but the history behind it will vanish

Anyhow , I dont care what you say about what I wrote , cuz Belgium wont seperate , impossible job to do , our ministers cant agree about the most common things and i doubt they will agree about this
Dont forget that 300 000 flemish people lives in brussels and they would pay taxes in the new EU city district Brussels. Also all those companies who work there = less money for Flandres.

Also most flemish people dont want to be with the netherlands cause we only share a common language but actually we differ much more with them than with the wallons and France doesnt want Wallon actually.
change your flag, you are proving what other people think of belgians ;f
That our ET - team pwnz and we have nice stuff to offer ?

Oki , then its fine :D
WOW big problems

_2 kinds of euro's , while anyone with a little understanding would think they would keep the ones in the running still going and just make another design for 2 country's...

_Football ? world's most important issue , Servie and montenegro did it , so why can't we?...
Ofc they will make it running , you cant remove the ones already running (possible , but to much work xD)

And I know this example is worthless , but its part of a big problem

If belgium splits up it means Flanders/Walloon wants to be independant and they will want their own coins (as in Britain btw)
charming comin from a asian who thinks hes british born and bread!
i agreeed.. if this fault wasnt been made... retards like kiss would never have been born...<3
What a great world it could be :)
It's about independance from Flanders / Walloon , not gonna explain it further.
I love the way the autor of the article uses decent sources, obviously heard a lot of oppinions of the Belgians themselves, took a good look in history books, knows who our prime minister is and the way he looks at our king is just so marvelous!
belgium wont stop existing. I just laugh at you retards who let yourself being influenced by dewinter and company
this has allmost nothing to do with dewinter and company.
this is a comment by an party leader of a flemish nationalistic party that strives to seperate the flemish side from the french side.

the guy should get informed before acting smart.
good stuff
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