I doser?

Damn its really working,I wont compare it to the real shit,but you gotta give it some respect,I doser does makes you high,anyone tried it ?
The I-Doser application scientifically syncs your brainwaves to achieve a specific mood or experience, as outlined by the dose you are taking. It does this through the use of a binaural beat dose that changes your brainwave patterns to make you feel a certain way. Binaural brainwave doses for every imaginable mood. I-Doser includes two free one-time-use doses: Alcohol and Content. I-Doser uses SbaGen as it's binaural beat engine, and is licensed by Jim Peters.

Version 4.5 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
dur ze kaze yashan :<
didnt work that good imo :x give me teh real weed plz ;P
It's quite fun :)
sounds scary a bit, still im gonna give it a try since im a fucking hardboiled badass!
testing alcohol atm, 2 mins and i really feel like puking. am i normal?

what is content?
lololol does it work? :C
i feel funny, but not rly drunk tho
i am playing alcohol now :S
It does work , makes your body feel high a bit,When I'ev treid the trip dose I felt very strange heat spreading all over my body and I started to laguh for some reason I dont know.
gimme me more doses, i only has alkohol and content
download from torrent sites, most have a doses pack with like 100 doses or sth.
tried but it does nothing

weed is still the best
gonna try it :D
Just.... LAUGH idiots!
virtual drugs sux
placebo effect
eurotrip reminder
Can I get e-addicted?
youre on xfire

you already ARE addicted!
lol its working xD
doesn't work for me
whoa this made ym day absolutely
i highly agr3333333333
try hand of god dose
The only effect it seems to have had on me is ringing ears. :(
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