maths nub

image: mathsnubbb

help :)
it hurts my head :<
just expand it -.-
british school sucks.
Do languages :(
i knew it but i forgot, its 2 boring 2 know
Oh god I'm a nub in maths =)
:o smart
You call that difficult?
a) -32 + 11*Sqrt(7)
b) 11 + 4*Sqrt(7)

took 1 min total calculated without paper
17) determine f(x0) when 18) rationalize the denominators 19) prove 20) determine 21) considering that (...) demonstrate 22) transform, using the formulas of compound square roots
and this should be difficult then :D ?
no... it's just average... (page 18 from my 9th grade maths book)
want me to try find something more difficult :P ?
get hardest u got, I already passed all my courses of math in uni ^^
you're on! give me 10 mins :P
Just a cute one (i'm not really in the mood for long calculations)

Considering p and 8*(p^2)+1 are prime numbers, show that 8*(p^2)-1 is also a prime number.

Taken from a Romaniabook named "Problems for high-school".

Btw, I'm not really so much into maths, I have more interesting problems (that i can solve) in physics and informatics. I checked the answers for this one. Tell me when you give up :P I'll give u the answer.
What are you doing at uni, btw? I'm at Electronics Engineering.
I study advanced engineering and specialize in electronics, so kinda same as u I guess :)

But I also study medicine, which I concentrate on atm

btw, I'll think about the problem now although I hate exercises where u have to proof something :)
what do u mean with a "calculator" :p ?
no, I'm not like that...

we haven't used calculator in maths any time in uni
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