wrong place to ask!

PROBABLY this is the most retarded post ever, and the worst place ever to ask this since u guys are somewhat.. well.. i wont go there! but if X is watching this, cause hes sexy, plz reply!

My girlfriend's birthday is coming up, and im really confused bout what to give to her. I gave her diamonds allready ( a girls best friend), flowers, sex. prolly she is satisfied with the Sex alone, but i want to do something creative.

You gu(a)ys got something in mind perhaps? Or have done before?:)
Isen ur an asshole <3
a nice parfume ;) and a rose :-) + take her out to dinner or something like that^^
good one:>> ty!
the name reminds me of something :o
Great one, unless you don't want to be the most boring boyfriend on the planet.
Telephony sex bliepbliep (*)
jij bent stoer
give her another dude
"i wanted to be creative this time, so here it is: HARDCORE DP!"
On that moment your friend steps into the room buttnaked XD
are you sure about the sex stuff? maybe shes just acting!
get some cardboard and pens and tinker somethin nice
Cook for her and then give it to her
been there, done that, thx anyway:p
A normal XFIRE user will suggest you to buy extreme-dildo or vibrator.
I bought to my ex gf "ruby" brecelet. :P (Fake one).

no wonder that she's ur ex girlfriend :X
take her out to somewhere she wants to go
she wants to go to the TMF-awards with me:>
lol boring shit
teddybear ;D
she is satisfied with sex but its not just you giving it to her ;)
You could take her to the cemetery and sacrifice a cat for her.

image: prison_break
saw that, its great!
Yea ISEN, download prison break for her
You gave her diamonds? Way to be a provider.

edit* cheap, creative and almost guarantees a same night lay - get a little mirror, pack it in a box and sign with a "the most beautiful girl on the planet" text.
he is working in an african diamond mine and sticks each day some diamonds in his penis to steal them
go to the cinema and afterwards go to a nice restaurant (mcdonalds)
Fancy dinner and party aftherwards allways work here.
but i mean, its a nice suggestion, but i want something not common, hard to explain, but like her name up in the sky (something random) or the worlds biggest hart or sumfin:p
ask Netherlands Wazaa
wazaa would prolly say he would have to make her cup a soup and have buttsecks with her all night so dont ask him
Take her out to dinner to some fancy restaurant.
Or you could make something special yourself with some candle light, nice wine, romantic music and then end up with some sweet lovin.
Also try some alcoholfilled bonbons.. most girls love chocolate.
:O good 1:>
nice whine? so you suggest to send her right away to crossfire.nu? =)
:D that should be wine ofcourse. Thanks for noticing :)
A romantic dinner with candlelights lul
a necklace of 2 parts would be nice. smth like a heart broken in half where she gets one half and you keep the other one.
and then write the names on it smth like this.
she gave that to me 2 months ago:>
ì hate that. they are always faster :/
then paint a picture of her
dont do anything then she can whine, girls love to whine
discribe her...
is she more romantic or the hardcore shit?
hobbies and so on....
idea nr 1.
tell her you're preparing an exclusive dinner for her and invite her to your place

light some candles and dress up the table nicely, have something to drink ready.

start a conversation(respond to what she is saying) and tell her to relax, sit back and that you will do all the work(also tell her ya love her if ya havent yet).

than totally fuck up the dinner you was preparing for her(shouldnt be that hard to do so)

than order some pizza's, in a so called desperate attempt to save the evening, (from domino's i suggest) and have them NOT on the dressed up table. than stumble a litle in desperate attempts to be romantic and be smooth and light some candles on the table which you are sitting at now.

eat the pizza's(with manners) and make her laugh.

p.s. there is more to it but this is the basis of it.

conclusion- she'll appreciate what you have gone through for her and finds you romantic in an weird but good original way. pussy time garenteed if you do it correctly, but to make it work, she'll have to be fly and you have to be smoothhhh.

more idea's will follow....

btw, if you're such a macdaddy that you can give her diamonds, than another possibility is to take her to paris.
well, i thought bout going to paris, but that will be for later on
I'm telling your girl about this website so she can recognize it XD
[+], very cool
im trying that soon
Quotethan totally fuck up the dinner you was preparing for her

You nigger!
oké, give her a candle light dinner in the park!

gather up ur m8's and ask them to dress it all up, make a path to the dinner with torches or little lights in the grass.
have a meal prepared and ofc make sure it's still hot, have a bottle of wine opened and glasses filled...just like u've just set it all up but ofc ur friends did it so she'll be very suprised when u suggest going for a walk in the local park and she lays her eyes upon the table and the romantic setting...tears in her eyes for sure
That's hot :o
i should bookmark this journal! many usefull stuff here. would be the first journal in the history of xfire that is worth it :D
Okay here's the deal!
It's gonna take you some time so prepare it well( not my own idea)

First of all you cook. I dunno what but it has to be something good (suggestion: http://kook.rubriek.nl/eten&drinken/valentijn_recepten.asp)

Second buy a shitload of roses and use the pettals?(rozenblaadjes ofc) and shape them into a heart

Buy little candles and put them around the heart.

Play your music

Dont be all horny and shit just show her you appreciate her

Voila sexy explosion on stomach guaranteed
n1 aswell!
make a heart out of candles below her window with her name in the middle of it.. give her a rose watch a movie take her to paris a week later... not 2 much not 2 few ;) anywayz gl
a m8 of mine did this for valentine but could be used here aswell!

invite her to ur place
make sure u've cooked a nice meal so don't fuck it up so she needs to pretend like it tastes good...

She rings on the door, u open, give her a kiss
u let her in, and let her take a bath!
but if ur bath is upstairs then start from the opening of ur door and cover the floor with candles and pettals of a rose...so put the path all the way from the entrance to the bath and put alot of candles in the badroom so u can leave the lights out and create a nice atmosphere with those candles that spread a nice parfume
let her relax! so DON'T fuck it up by start acting horny :) so OR just ask her about how her day was, give her a massage, ...

after she had the time to relax guide her to the table with ofc again the lights out and alot of candles again to have that intimed atmosphere...
First have a glass of wine and then start having your meal...

after that u can watch a romantic movie with the two of u or head upstairs or w/e
you cool you have sex
flowers + dinner :D
Trip to Hawaii is nice aswell.
if she doesn't want the diamonds, you can always give them to me :o

(I'm not gay ! Only I have 300 male friends where 150 female in my friendslist :<)
book a relax weekend in a sport hotel or smth like that
agreed, they seem to like that :D
im a girl so ye we like it :p
oops, but that proves my point!
but u like gaming too ... heheheheh.. a holiday weekend is nice idd, but take a place which is special to her and u
i think its stupid to give parfums and diamonds... thats like nothing from the heart...if u wanna be creative start to think what connects both of you the most... at least give her smth with symbolic character, not only some parfum etc.. its shit! all men give it, be _teh_ man :P
i allready like made stuff out of paper, or printed out all our photos and then put them in this book with all the things we did and some text added:) she really liked it. or i made this movie off her and me, with our pics as a slideshow, with really emo-music to it, also big hit:> but i want something extraordinary:>
that sounds great! the effort of doing that shows ur love, srsly... this is quality then, like u said a big hit =)

i used to tell a little story which i wrote down and u give her some presents while reading... u can joke around, be romantic, crazy etc...its nice... just turn it around like u want :P
good idea:)) thx man!
gimme some feedback afterwards plz ^^

u can make cheap and funny presents...while reading this story about her and her life/hobbies/attitudes/dislikes and ofc your love :D u just need to be cappable of writing smth good :>
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