a new period


School is starting tomorrow for me and most of the other Highschool students in Belgium. I wish you all the best for this year, make some new friends, have some good chats and ofc get the results you need ;P

(I'm going to the "Plantijn Hogeschool", Belgium Antwerp .. Hotelmanagement)
So that means that after Netherlands CDC3 it's really been enough with ET .. atleast for me, I will missed you already (k)

gnight :-)
ik zit al een maand op school
24 sept

same !


I will missed you already = engrish
thx mate

my school started 3 weeks ago .. tomorrow i ve just 4 hours school x)
I always have 4 hours of schol on moinday xD
hotelmanagement is not to be messed with
Well have fun in the Antwerp student life cuz its fun most of the time ;p I'm leaving it for half a year but I'll be back in February! CU then
bye bye small Worm
wish u best luck for future
Fu! My school starts day 1 and i have school all days except sundar, from 8 to 13 +/-!!!!
I have from 8 to 16.40 so dont whine
Age: 15 .... U have normal school (it means u dont have to study too much). I joined university :< (not soo easy like normal school)

edit: And my school ends day 29 of jul 2008 -.-
my school starts after cdc :D
monday till friday from 8:30 until 14:30
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