wtb mobile phone

i wanna buy a mobile phone. my budget is 200euros, no more. any suggestions?
you need money to get a new mobile phone?
Wait for the iPhone
which is completly crap.
How the fuck do you know this already????
iphone is like double what i can afford >:
Save up, it'll be worth it :XD
i would, if i wasn't gonna buy a pc as well :P
Ahh :<

What pc are you getting?
q6600, 8800gts (or gtx, depends on how much money remains from my school fund after i buy books nstuff :P), ocz 900mhz 2gb ram, abit ip35-pro etc.. its gonna cost like 2200euros or more, so i won't have much money after that :D
Nokia 3210 !
motorola L7
take this!

image: 284554DiLH_w
make a contract and get it for free!!
contracts like that don't exist in malta :X sux i know
i still have a Motorola V3 RAZR (black edition) and fuckin <3 it
ye i rly like its design nstuff as well. the thing that bothers me the most is its 5.5mb memory and the fact that it doesn't take a memory card >: that's why i'm gonna check about the v3i :)
any Nokia will do.
SE K800i, read pm.
Buy the Sony Ericsson W880i.

I have it for quite a while and together with the 850i, they are in Holland rated best by consumers. Especially the 580/850 (similar model, just different shit in it).

But the 880 is what i prefered. Ace, straightforward software.

Only 7 mm thick, 71 grams, and nice design.

Ow and don't buy the Motorola Rzr, it has been numerously reported to break at the hinge and the screen.
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