onLine OnLy the insects way

worm online only discuss
i love worm!
like he does something good online
wormy wormy wormy....
Hmm, I read somewhere that those would be a top team at cdc3. x-]
ask alvo to spy his computer
what fucked up reso is that?
r_mode 6 ftw
r_mode -1
r_customheight 1050
r_customwidth 1680
he is just a bad rifle ;)

btw nice config!
hes playing rifle + he never played rifle before!
Maybe he was having a bad day?
what was it about that ins? some article or whatever here said his team kicked him out or smth...
Juize said ins couldn't come because ins was going to drive to cdc3 with juize, overload lost their faith in him and since he's a reallife friend of vanquish, it says enough i think .. :X
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