<3 mature yermans.

tonight I played a 2vs2 offi vs some ton team, jago and link.
played with fierro, beat them in first map, jago kept calling us cheaters the whole time, second map after we ran them over quite fast Germany jago disconnected and this is what I saw in one chat program that maybe wasnt irc so you cannot ban meh!(atleast I hope so)
hi2u first part[/b]]
02(jago`02) demos
02(jago`02) now
02(jago`02) hurry up noob
02(jago`02) low- bird
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) both or fierro?
02(jago`02) rofl i dont need your nubibubi demos
02(jago`02) fierros
02(jago`02) now
02(jago`02) thx
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) ok
02(jago`02) hurry up bastard
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) he is uploading
02(jago`02) MOVE
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) :)
02(jago`02) stfu
02(jago`02) you are really the biggest nab xDDDDDDDD
02(jago`02) that was so funny
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) ok
02(jago`02) fierro cheated everything
02(jago`02) get skill man:)
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) http://www.spee*******
02(jago`02) online only
02(jago`02) check out
02(jago`02) idiot
02(jago`02) CHEATER
02(jago`02) i dont need your 1dmg demo
02(jago`02) only fierros
02(jago`02) <ProXr|CLAIMAXz> playing with random 2nd
02(jago`02) you are the random
02(jago`02) THE BIGGEST:D fierro owned us not you thats so funny
02(jago`02) you sucked his dick^^
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) well
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) i gave you a link
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) didnt I?
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) now enter the right score

Ok I understand the first part right, maybe he really did think Fierro was cheating, but this is where it gets crazy.
Part 2[/b]]
02(jago`02) did it already
02(jago`02) you need to confirm
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) 4-0 we won
02(jago`02) now confirm the fucking score
02(jago`02) STFU
02(jago`02) FUCKING NOOB
02(jago`02) AND GET SKILL
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) acecpt the fucking score or its a conflict nigger
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) We have demos, your mate told us we won
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) and etc
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) so plz
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) stop it
02(jago`02) i want your demos too
02(jago`02) ....
02(jago`02) ^^
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) omfg
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) ok
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) sec
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) ill upload
02(jago`02) and we didnt played omfg -.-
02(jago`02) why are you writing in a senseless score
02(jago`02) first of all we need to play
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) we have demos so you failed
02(jago`02) send me your demos
02(jago`02) i wanna see
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) here comes a journal
02(jago`02) because we werent playing
02(jago`02) yeaaaaaa that the solution^^
02(jago`02) cf topicD:D:D:D::D:DD
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) http://www.***************
02(jago`02) where are the others
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) http://www.*************
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) b4 and supply
02(jago`02) k now shut up and let me watch
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) k
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) have fun
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) so will you accept the score now?
02(jago`02) what the fuck ...
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) what?
02(jago`02) i WONT accept! and we werent playing
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) lol? :D:D
02(jago`02) fierro is the BIGGEST cheater
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) we have fucking demos nigger
02(jago`02) who are you?
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) you have failed alot
02(jago`02) and you are really really LOW³³³³³³³³³
02(jago`02) fierro did everything in the demo

Ok, I was like wtf are you talking about right? We didnt play but on the other hand calling Fierro a cheater? And we did play and we won 4-0 but you keep entering a score of 4-0 for you? wtf is up with that?

This is where it gets really funny - part3[/b]]
02(jago`02) fierro did everything in the demo
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) ok
02(jago`02) and btw who are you man i dont know you
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) i dont even care
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) accept
02(jago`02) i dont care
02(jago`02) i dont know who you are
02(jago`02) never heard
02(jago`02) watch fierros demo and shut up:)
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) are you mentally ill?
02(jago`02) no, are you?
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) seems you are retarded or sth
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) but no worries
02(jago`02) seems that fierros is a bastard
02(jago`02) but no wirroes
02(jago`02) worries
02(jago`02) you too
02(jago`02) you faked us
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) faked+
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) i told my skill
02(ProXr|CLAIMAXz02) now wtf is the problem?
02(jago`02) you faked us
02(jago`02) and your lies sucked too
02(jago`02) but we didnt played

I couldn't really get what he wanted to tell me by that, later I understood that this guy thinks he can make this game not happen by telling us he wasn't there that we faked their players and played the match so they lost, although you can clearly see its them in the demos.

bb jago[/b]]
    02 —›12 quit: 02(12jago`02)12 02([email protected]02)12 02(12Read error: Operation timed out02)12
    02 —›12 nick: 02(12Yago-oFF02)12 is now known as 02(12jago`02)12
Session Close: Sun Sep 23 23:40:54 2007

btw we got banned from his clan channel when we tried telling his mates that jago is acting like a child and maybe they should really do something about it.

I never really even thought about making this journal because I didn't even know who this yerman was, after taking a look at his cf account i kinda reconsidered because of this already : image: hi2ujago and seeing he isnt a total randon noname.

neways, flame on @ useless journal about a useless yerman.
irc logs! ban.
lol jago again...its nothing new m8, the guy TRIES to play ET at least..
Give him some (a little only) credit for trying...

nice post btw
but fierro really cheats
not, he's just way too good.
pls, he's a nC customer...
LOL, you serious?
He actually isn't good enaugh to be considered a cheater + no suspicious moments ever + i know him irl and i know guys who he has played with irl so yeah.
ye, I'm serious. your fucking retarded cheater friend should die in a car fire
edited, how serious?
lol that guy is retarded
lul jago :}
GLITzCLAIMAXz: all finnish guys except metsurii and caej are tards
was not being serious btw, I got alot of fintard friends.
you not one of them.
why not?

ps: your sentence is missing verb
I know, it's missing "are" but i like my style (making grammar mistakes liek sometimes talkien liek this or some other retarded way, or saying i are pirate or sth).
I don't even know why btw, you don't like me, that might be the problem.
why do you think i dont like you?????
Because I have done some bad things in my life, like posting useless journals and some other stuff im not so proud off and I notice you tend to reply with negative stuffff
even i flame you it doesn't mean i dont like you!

you are like the only reason i still play ET <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
oki i like you now.
damn that was even easier than i thought
you will be so owned when you will findd out that that was sarcasm.
you really outsmarted me
"damn that was easier than i thought"
lol, now i srsly like you. xD
Jago tztztz, play with cheaters and call other players as "cheaters"
i kicked jafar immediately from the ts² server when i saw the thread about him
then i kicked him from the teams and deleted him from my buddylist
first thing, if you started to talk to him, you should tell him to give their demos, untill then you wouldnt upload yours or smth. that would also help you proving they played that game in front of an admin.

but what i think is that you shouldnt even respond to him, just fill result and after few re-filling from him - make match conflict. admin would come, you would explain him what is going on, give admin the demos etc.

and its strange for me that opposite players can watch the demos of your team. i mean, if opponent thinks i cheat, only admin should be able to watch my demos. i dont want some 13yo kiddie watching my gamestyle or even reveal my team's tax. but prolly its not possible, as that would require giant admin work.

good night, claim =)
well, dont care about showing tax to some other team as we use new ones every time we play anyway. + i couldnt ignore him, was just way too retarded.
and telling him no demos would probably make him more anxious and since we got nothing to hide, then why not :)
good night.
and i thought only in israel can be retards like this
lolol claimaxz goto bed whiner!!
go steal a flag skywalker
he is a total noname!!! and yes he is mentally ill!!!
he's a kid i pwned him on some random pub and next day cf thread about me that i cheat xD
you pwned the randoms on the public server ... i just speced but OK
Very mature way to handle immature people.
thats fun:D
This is avi when we played againts you 2on2 offi claim
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