
like im b[l]ack yall, it was zee very naiz and my brain isnt working so good anymore so i will just say some random things and i will go to bed since i have school in 7 hours, will make a nice journal then:

shout out to the dutch little kiddies,
shout out to the one that stole my underwear :D (hope it was clean)

and it was xRio's fault that whole the LAN was banned from crossfire :'( not mine eventho the little drama was nice

+ baggiez told someone thought i was the little brother of tosspot
rl quote mica: I thought you would be some heavy metal d00d with long hair
rl quote lavOd: I didnt expect you to be so normal
rl quote Fasolka.. to much funny things to typ :P

BUT NOW i will go to bed and i start to feel my hangover finally
fuck i have school in 6 hours and 50 minutes too ! :o

I have college in 8 hours 10 mins lolol

gotta wake up for work in 4 hours, gn.
no school tomorrow :'[]
newbie ;P
I dont have school tomorrow, just to let you know.
Thanks for the info, see you online :XD
wb xfrire spamm0r :(
Loekino wat ben jij een nerd, en wat hope met fasolka deed ^^ jammer or, en ik praten geen boers aann de telefoon dat iss een zeeuws dialect.[NL]
lol omfg dat was jij @ Lan
jij mag ook wel ff je real nick zeggen
ik dacht dat je een andere nickname zei die ik helemaal niet ken
of ben ik nou zo doof ? =]
volgende keer kom ik ook :<
ik ging onder bluhtje :) omdat ik geband ben op cb en soms kan ik ff inloggen op crossfire:)
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