malczik's pic

for all who really hates me - my photo @ profile :) enjoy

EDIT: I rly care about of your opinion's but rly want to laugh :>
:P:P:P pimp
please dont make me die
lold :D:D:D:D
u look more tarded than u are
a t t e n t i o n w h o r e :(
gay gay !!!xD
to all the people saying "ugly, lol" and stuff plz upload a picture of yourself if u aint got a picture uploaded or just die behind your pc.
I do, and he's still ugly
You are aswell.
nah, u know that u find me sexy...

u arent guy enough to come out of the closet tho...
Yeah, I'm 100% gay, I'm just too shy to say how pretty you are.
you definetely spended not enough time in the sun
its a black-white pic
Want 6on6 now? come xfire/msn.
ugly, lol.
ugly, lol
Oh please guys, you don't want to have an sk on your 'kontos' do you :[
i didnt hate you actually

for all who really hates me - my photo @ profile :) enjoy

EDIT: I rly care about of your opinion's but rly want to laugh :>

.. now i do
ugly, stupid and annoying
ugly annoying and stupid actually
my pic is in my profile also
QuoteEDIT: I rly care about of your opinion's but rly want to laugh :>

same about me XDDDDDDDDDDDD
who fucking cares?!
some g@ngst4 sh1t foshizzle
ok.. btw "EDIT: I rly care about of your opinion's but rly want to laugh :>" makes no sense retard
im a real gangsta !
If thats you i lold.
You look the basic retarded fag from poland.
do everybody a favour and quit the scene
nice pants.
attention whore!
lol the previous one was more ROFL

this is not yourself :P
back to zeh matrix :D <3
masz przyjaciol?
nie sadze ;)
looks gangsta
omfg, you are really the most ugly apart from slijz on whole xfire XD
i feel blind =/
i will not comment your picture. But u are the second most retarded guy on xfire. First is rqmbo.
atleast you look better than all those polish faggots here working for 1euro an hour L8
way to be an e-thug
thanks Gee
You are retarded, and you ain't the most pretty person I've seen IRL! (aka, you are damn ugly)

A fucking sexy and hot picture from me taken this summer (as bullvox said):
you dont look that ugly lolz
u know fat kids like u should do some sports ?!
nothing special..looks normal.
lol reply after a week
so you know how to put pic in ur profile.. woooow... and you did journal bout it... gr8.. GJ !
that's the idiot look like
Retarded journal but everyone saying 'ugly' should grow up and get some sense of reality... and take a look in the mirror.
Your looks doesnt change anything in the fact that you are slightly retarded :'(
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