expectations ec

i guess 8 teams , 2 groups, 4 teams each group.

cZar |K| shit happens ,
krea will win
yzy besh for shits
mmf will get the final (only if kiss is playing)
no sarcasm, gl tangharigen tekkel /sarcasm off :-)
5 moomoofarm multigaming 8 / 8 9 Wants
gl cZar guys
that's why I don't play ET anymore, idd!

5 moomoofarm multigaming 8 / 8 9 Wants
gl @ ec btw :DD
ik was op de eerste en mijn stats waren beter als ONLINE onLy
now you can be proud, make urself a victory cake !
ze is al klaar wim

INSECTS way to play wanneer komt u volgende movieke uit
als jullie in de EC playoffs zitten, da's gene doordenker eh :-)
alé dan moet ik toch geen lowskilled fragmovie bekijken das al da
stuur ne pm als ge EC finale speelt, dan komk nog is checken, kzal ET dan ff trug installe, nu hope da frostbite derin zit eh, dan kunt ge mss toch 1 map winne ;-)

btw link van uwe movie?
why so few teams :o
dunno, cause the rest isnt high or smth ? No id ^^
I think 16 teams, 12 direct, 8 quali or smth.
imo teams like esuba muse azure should be considered since they arent new 2 weeks team i want to pwn @ ec LoL
All the teams that got created like 2 weeks before EC should play qualifier. The teams that excist for a long time and have the potential to play EC should get an invite. This should prevent teams from folding after a loss and people that think "Fuck this team, I'm going to create a high+ mix to play EC cause I'm named!"
I think 16 teams, 8 or 12 invis
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