I need vArgen

451h 3heii69h5 3ecckd9jo,

9 1c 45if5h1j5bo 9d d554 e6 1 cel95 31bb54 "F921j5li e6 j85 31h92251d: 1j mehb4'i 5d4." 96 9 4e dej m1j38 9j jed978j, 9 c978j 495. 96 oek 81l5 9j, zb51i5 4e dej kd45h 1do 39h3kcij1d35i 85i9j1j5 je FC c5 eh je feij 9j 85h5, 1 i9cfb5 c5ii175 b9a5 "9 81i 9j" mekb4/3ekb4/i8ekb4 25 b965i1l9d7. 9 m9bb 25 9d oekh 452j, 1bm1oi. 1d4 oek m9bb 25 el5hm85bc54 m9j8 ici' 1d4 fc'i 1d4 3ecfb9c5dji 1d4 m81j5v5h oekh 851hj 45i9h5i (5n35fj ced5o), 6eh 5l5h 1d4 5l5h 1d4 5l5h... (1d4 ie ed).

Oekhi jhkbo,


1: A
2: B
3: C
4: D
5: E
6: F
7: G
8: H
9: I
0: J
A: K
B: L
C: M
D: N
E: O
F: P
G: Q
H: R
I: S
J: T
K: U
L: V
M: W
N: X
O: Y
P: Z
Q: 1
R: 2
S: 3
T: 4
U: 5
V: 6
W: 7
X: 8
Y: 9
Z: 0

Winner gets something special

oh btw i need a link to pirates of the carribean, will trade smth for it!
nP 4 V4RG3N
after 57 min and 13 seconds i found out: it's not my language ;(
journal didn't exist that long
who said i have read it from this journal?
When posting a comment like that one I think everyone would've interpret you read this journal, and you would've figured out it isn't your language.
1st line = dear crossfire community blablablabla english = not my language ;)
aand everyone would be smart enough to think that i read it somewhere else, else time wouldn't be good (like you thought) only ppl who don't believe give such comments :(
Crossfire has got some known bullshit talkers in its community and I actually thought you were one of them.
yea is it forbidden to talk bullshit?:( and you re talker who is whining about the comment of a bs-talker nice
it is superior against our language
ill translate it after dinner cu over 30 mins :p

Edit: nvm ;d first fix the sentences :p
itll take u all night, so eat well my young padawan, cos tonight u dine in crossfire
Dear crossfire community

3 a7 des0erately in need of a movie called ''pirates of the carribean: at worlds end.'' if i do not watch it tonight, i might die. If you have it, please do not under and circust hesitate to pm me on to post it here, I simp

I stopped because your english failed and I got bored :(
Edited, it was ''3 a7 des0erately'' before. Im sure 95% of my translation was correct before the edit :)
idd it was and i thought its a part of this code :( thats why i stoped after i am !!!!
i think al7 has too much of time. go and read /b/ or something.

replace it in word and it takes you 5 minutes


"dear crossfire community

i am"

it becames a bit catchier!!
the letters in the front are the letters in the texte, u have to switch them with the 2nd row of letters :P

btw you smell funny
yeah but not every time isnt it?
every time, ive just made some mistakes :< dont burn me
ur the mothership of bullshit talkers!
battlecruiser operational
deathstar loekino!
even I do not know that ;(
i has it!! all 3 parts!
vArgen is the man who made it possible! Heil!
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