crush3r cheater?

Hello, uhm well few minutes ago i played on [sks] server and a guy named crush3r owned us all, they told that Its the crush3r from ESL and he has wallhack
What do you guys think? I think thats not the real one but It was so lol'd
I heard he is santa claus. Really, what do you want to tell us ?
he's 14, dont blame him
wow here we have a real cheatbustAh!
aGu no cheaterclan

"the real one" as if he was any famous so plz
I didn't want to tell anything i just asked what do u think -.-
I'm noob so i don't wanna tell anything, just want to hear ur guys opinions, besides he was really mean and didn't talk to us
real crush3r is nice
We think it is time for a ban for you.
I was on the server and I'm no wallhacker guy..but your buddylist gots one cheater.
good boy ;)
i can see 2 cheaters in your buddylist
jeff ( biggest homie and rl friend of reb00t )
Age: 14 ( 27 April 1993 )

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wtf? the real crush3r?


call carepolica imediately!!!!!!!

omg i peed my pants rly..
cant be he is the 1on1 king :(
no cheater but a kiddie :P
says the cheater
age doesn't really matter, I can own evryone of you 1on1 here! Playng et for 2 years so stfu If im 14 that doesn't make me a noob and whinner kiddie
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