Megapr0-gaming. Not funny anymore..

EC journals are getting deleted all over the place last 3 mins. So whats up with CB? BIG ASSS conspiracy? This EC is nothing but a load of bullcrap.

So these guys have added about 4/5 players last days since the announcement of the qualis. Ive talked to CB admin "bartichello" and he told me that our PREVIOUS opponent "younggunz" announced by themselves that they wanted to drop out of EC. WHICH ISNT THE CASE!

Now bartichello told me that they kicked Younggunz (yes kicked!) because they didnt have a "stable roster" Now tell me. how can megapr0 be stable, if they added 4/5 members in the past 2 days? WHICH ISNT EVEN ALLOWED, previous clans got kicked out of EC because of the same thing. now why wont they? because they have big names? Younggunz even had the players before the quali, but CB didnt like the roster? Now megapr0 are doing something much different, adding members, which isnt allowed. Someone reading this, help us out.

Grtz isEN-xL

Dont say, to be sad to me or prac. They would kicked ur arses out of the qualis if u did this.
write the full journal again plz :O)
it was nice
screencapped for proof!111111
cb sux, for example ppl got unbanned earlier 4 cd3... plz unban all others then earlier to..
Someone is sad cause he will lose his qualy :(
gingen ze winnen tegen younggunz dan?
i agree not fair

but now only option is practice a lot
true case
n1 expecting fair rules, noob
het leven is hard
woot, its still here!
I deleted it because you were posting private logs, I don't give a crap what kind of stuff CB is up to again. Slajdan, you can come and claim your 10 euros at CDC 3 Part 2.
why arent u happy with playing against a mix then?
Thats the whole point smartass. your just saying the one thing thats not allowed by CB (as admins told me) when they disqualified younggunz.
haha, fight for your first ec with any oppurtunity there is
so true, megapro should get removed tbh -_-
nice being scared ::D.dD:D.dD:D:D
It's pretty much their old clan on a new clanbase account isn't it?
idd, megapro should get removed
I'm 100% sure if the clan had noname players you would'nt have posted this about them! :D <SCARED>
im sure that if this clan wouldnt have come to the scene that younggunz wouldnt have get kicked, save ur emos, kiddy
younggunz could've been replaced by any other clan since younggunz had no roster, there would be no whine like this if it was some other lowmixteam instead of mgpro, save ur emos, kiddy :DDDDDd
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