Enlarged ET/ETQW

ETQW: Team-Speedlink (mixxed) is in the finals

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(first time in my life i met asmogan, germanys beautiful an tallest etqw playr)

ET: stfu wins over zen

(gr8 match and jew-ice did actually some killz)

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Quote(first time in my life i met asmogan, germanys beautiful an tallest etqw playr)


btw lineup of stfu?
what is etqw
More beautiful game which just killed ET.
i just see some stupid aliens with lasergunZ no mister
lasergunZ which killed ET.
hmm "et is dead" i heard this every year :< after the quakecon 05 after cdc 1 etc. i dont think so :< there is no game avi atm like et ;<
but well iam sure that 75% of the players will leave ETQW when the next Battlefieldgame is out np
is there a website with results and stuff?
I know, but I play for a drunk noob clan and wanna know how they did :D
I'll probably hear about it tonight, at least I hope my team will be back in time. We have an eChaoz match tonight, lol
Yeah, I didn't expect them to do well, lots of better teams. I was just curious about all the results, also from other teams.
nice, thnx, surprising result. Although LAN is so different. Online only will fuck up and people who can handle drinking pretty well, will have an advantage in the later stages of the tournament :D
Joar Pain haben halt ein Team aus säufern :D Na ja müssen wir akzeptieren oder nächstes Jahr mitmachen :P
mjoh, die meisten teams sind nicht gerade highskilled, aber trotzdem etwas besser als wir
hi mobo
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