how often do you shower?

once a week like the french?
everyday :o
~1.3 times/day
Nice accurate number :D
once a life
4 times a week

other 3 days i just use deodorant
hahaha that deserves so much a quote
why? 4+3=7=1 week=no mistake
ye but lol @ deodorant and no shower
also lol @ shower + no deodorant
tbh it's the same ...
both are disgusting
everyday 2 the morning and evening..

random pic:
image: camp_shower
I'm french so you have your answer
once 3months :O)
but i heard it's not even that good for your skin :o
depends on the activities but usualy once per day!
Alto's take a shower even less then french guys :O SICK !
nice deleting comments!
true i didnt read it good so :o
oh lol what did you write?
i quoted something !
what a stupid question, everyday of course
polish can afford showers =O
Its a laggy shower tho :(
The water warps constantly so they got to perfrom a shower dance to catch most of the water :/
lool yeh sounds like polish

when they try to put shampoo on, the shampoo never hits the body for some reason =/
5 times a week
Every morning on weekdays, only when I feel like it in the weekend.
1-2 times per day. Mostly because of my hair, I hate the "sweaty feeling" after doing sports...
2-3 times per day x)
morning sometimes
after training/ lifting weights
before sleeping =] xD
my body odour is better than axe, so why shower?
twice a week O.o
taking a shower every day isnt that healthy and bad for the enviroment
body - usually every time before i go out, hair - 3 times a week
haha the french stink lel vooral jij lelijke hax
allmost everyday , some times 2-3 times a day after soccer & gym practise
7-10 times a week, depending how much sports I do.
3 to 4 times a day. depends on how much sex i do.
so you dont shower that often then
shit gekke wat een dis
if you say so! but you're wrong :P
on weeks every morning and every night, on weekends once a day or if I am very lazy & nerdy and just on my PC I can skip it on one day
Who fucking cares. Is this a topic where everybody can show how clean they are and make a competition out of it? I rather read those "what kind of mouse do you use?" topics. Will the next topic be "how many times do you wipe your ass after taking a shit?" ?
talk to the hand
Ah, finally a part of your body that's able to think.
there are other parts too, wanna see?
i only shower 4 times aweek because i dont move a lot so i dont sweat or get dirty
that's a very nice idea for a journal, rly (the shit stuff)!
every day ofc
i guess we are both alike seeing as i sweat pure gold
I'm in shower atm.
brings another meaning to morning glory
whats that a shower?
hippies smell funny
almost everyday x|
its obviously a sign
everyday / every 2nd day
every 4 weeks...
and always... sunday... o_O
twice a day
I don't have shower but I live near river
you get greasy hair too (also if you dont wash lol :D)
Before i go to school, then some times if im back from school, and then in the evening always, so 2/3 times each day
mhhm twice a year -> eastern & christmas :D

nah just kidding, also everyday :)
Nice hot sauna with a cold beer, always nice and much better than shower or bath :P
and after we can have a bath with each other and our filth
l0l i sh0wer l1ke evaryd4y LOL .. i'M l1k thE rL pLaYa on iNtern3Tz
same, i think its time for a bath
i was preparing for you <3
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