Taavi-_- busted!!!1

The day we all were scared of has come... Finland Taavi-_- finally got busted, and from where? From a fucking _p-u-b-l-i-c_ -server! This filthy cheater must be banned from everywhere, but especially from CB. Give him no mercy, pm him @ irc (Taavi-_-) , spread the word that he cheats, dont let him play any mixeds etc! I guarantee you, this guy doesnt have right to live! If you dont believe me, heres some proof dear crossfire!

Taavi-_- busted
ohnoes, m_pitch!!!
oh noez m_pitch!!!

dirty hacker burn!!
made my fockin day :P
lol'd ^^
Ban his account if he's banned on clanbase
Kill The fucking cheater!
mpitch should be forced to 0.022
the range is fine just pick a value that suits you
it should be forced to 0.022 eventhough i use 0.024
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