t4ce !! CLANBASE (ger allowed)

We play offi in 3on3 OC :D we lost 2-4 on adler/braun/beach vs a totally noname team called t4ce me , twidi and weak.

This guys are hacking for sure :D why no cb admin do anything about them?

-> pusat

Created on 18 Sep 2007 18:37 (played since 2 weeks and aiming like a EC player)


-> overmysoul

Created on 3 Oct 2007 17:22

Why clanbase allow them to play? everyone knows that old cheater like cellat / kan playing there under fakenick and guid spoof every 2 weeks.

They add around 5-6 new ppl and everyone good a new cb account or guid.
I push3d th3m nP

@ fatmm3l

Clan T4Ce's player roster for this cup:
Nirv, mirage, legend, axtor, MetC, Soul, newbje, Aksil, killer, Adler, Fisz, AMG, zetta, blaze, sgteam, JeNny, Killerman, Karrde, Zer0, wndws, NighTm@Re, ben-g, Yotta, phil, fatzeh, hAo, blu, keta, okko, Azi, BaT, ADAM, oveza, dinev, reXii, curt, !kka, SHOKKZjE<3, zoNta, w, Rh^n, wOnka ©, David King, SlatR, ThOmeEe, |2!Xy`, chelmianin, enZo, CiD!, pusat, quzan, AstuS, caej / MrC, pesh, eroKs, wAnt, nsd, Mistah, overmysoul, neiksai, Radari, Pox, tapsa / dead.

Blind boy

BTW lose et_beach agaisnt us , unexcepted
poor ET :(
et is gonna die because of people like you, that say that its dead
cant agree more
lol ownd by skillz :o
Agree on all accept the last

Zero tollerance should be imegrated in the CB system so this wont happen
As nice example Team portugal(5 hackers atleast) ,or ex-team beta (shy&keran) played with more hacker than us , we only get one (GENJI <3) old lineup players who where banned ( he still unbanned as i can see , hes now clean as ensam) so GTFO m8
Care ? Zero tollerance ftw...

I dont give a shit about ppl who are "clean" now

They have cheated in the past which makes them filthy scum imo...
Your right mates , but just looks who play in t4ce now
As long as the cheater doesnt play I dont care :)
cut the crap
Erst wenns einen selbst passiert will man was machen ;) kenn ich woher :D
solid proof
Ich habe ein scheisse in mein lederhosen
Ich habe Scheisse in meinen Lederhosen.
scheisse huso
i would flame back in finish but it looks so retarded :<
3o3 is kinda fucked up
we won against them in 6on6 pracc, but they played very strange :x
go ts or irc
overmysoul = sandi, dunno about pusat ?

edit: humm3l you suck
cheaters everywhere omg omg
fuck off moron you played sinds rtcw and you still suck thats z problem (pm RaZiel for hacks)
Klapp Klapp :DDD
they lose rtcw maps
t4ce arent nonames they are pretty well known cheaters :]
humM3L just suck :[
maybe but twidi and weak dont!!!! :D
huh ? thought they are pretty low :s
midas you should use past and look the current t4ce lineup m8 :>
I play against T4ce in OC div 1 group A. We will see. I hope we can get ETTV
say greets to sinus
shut up you fat moron, just because not everyone is playing et for 24/7 doesn't mean they are unknown 2week haxxors
well those t4ce guys are and most of the time thats exactly what it means.
give me a solid proof that anyone has ever cheated...you can get demos from the match etc, but i have never seen a proof
they have a longer cheating history than you play ET so pLz!!
1. how do you know how long i have been playing et?
2. do you have a proof?
Quote by decemlike it's worth the effort, pff.
pff lame answer
i am too fucking lazy to search for proofs but they got kicked from TFW because of hacks in the past and they were always suspicious and btw why should a guy with a 1 week old yawn (1 week old cb acc) who is owning like hell not being a cheater!!!
After a while you no longer need proofs. You play EC clans and have a fair game. You play random oc 3div oc 2div clan and they just play ... weird. If you actually take the time to wolfcam them they always have a wh. If you play a game for such a long time, there's stuff you just wont accept ...

like ppl jumping down the bridge, breaking their legs but giving you 4hs as you are evading them ... Or ppl who play really weird, go around corners in such a fashion that it reveals they use a wh. If a normal player goes around a corner he will do so in such a manner that he is prepared for anything. A cheater will go around the corners and move in a fecking stupid manner if you look at it without wh. If you take into consideration that they already know what is waiting for them, going around the corner as they do actually makes sense as they already know which angels he shouldnt cover.

hm nice text, but there were also alot of players from EC clans who have been accused of cheating too and proofed it wrong on lan, or also others who also play suspicious as hell, but nobody cares because they are like "famous"... now you play a war against ppl you barely heard about and they are playing not badly and suddenly you call them cheaters just because they are not one of those "known" people, eventhough they might have also a long yawn history...

et is all about contacts, if you don't hang around with the right people it's very very hard to get a chance of playing in EC, eventhough you have the required skill....
the accusations arent suddenly!
they are :(
thats what i do, but ppl still call wh'er :(
i have to agree!!! most of cheater just play mmmmhh... cheatish!!! :D
like it's worth the effort, pff.
obviously it's worth the flame
flame is free & fun.
et is exactly the same...
but nvm, i know ppl can't get over it to get owned by some guys who haven't played at the almigthy ec yet
read overdrive's comment and stop replying to me.
oh sry mr. c00lboy, you started to talk with me
didnt know you're biased t4ce player.
i didn't say anything t4ce biased, i was just asking for any proofs
totta, opettele
get skill! you are so fucking overrated !
T4CE and cheaters?!?!! SINCE WHEN ????????
et is dead
t4ce is cheaterclan, you should have known it :p
If you got some Logic Math + maturity you shouldn't say that , or maybe just get eyes idiot
I played 3on3 vs them recently, they werent suspicous at all :P and quite easy to bash also
i remember you being low+ like 6 months ago, why are you suddenly med+?!
I was low+ 9 month ago, when I played on laptop.
Then I got a normal pc with 125 fps, and my skill grew slowly but surely.
I've never had aany skillboost whatsoever, just ask people that've followed me since I was low, till I got where I am today.. Like kaiz, viperius and others.
omg hummel .. some weeks ago u lost with auxillia vs the nonamers "Identical" and u called them cheaters + kicked them from a cup cuz they owned u ... omfg is everyone a cheater who owns u ?

i dont wanna flame u .. but this is really immature.
The answer to that is yes
T4Ce rox.
t4ce maybe hax, but u whine like a kid

GREAT ui got demos when we playd vs them in yesterday 1 guy killd us all with 3 hs owned us with luger and wh nades :D GL
it was Soul not overmysoul(sandi)

Clan T4Ce's player roster for this cup:
Nirv, mirage, legend, axtor, MetC, Soul, newbje, Aksil, killer, Adler, Fisz, AMG, zetta, blaze, sgteam, JeNny, Killerman, Karrde, Zer0, wndws, NighTm@Re, ben-g, Yotta, phil, fatzeh, hAo, blu, keta, okko, Azi, BaT, ADAM, oveza, dinev, reXii, curt, !kka, SHOKKZjE<3, zoNta, w, Rh^n, wOnka ©, David King, SlatR, ThOmeEe, |2!Xy`, chelmianin, enZo, CiD!, pusat, quzan, AstuS, caej / MrC, pesh, eroKs, wAnt, nsd, Mistah, overmysoul, neiksai, Radari, Pox, tapsa / dead.

we were hacking with 1hs per frag max ,
+ Admin specced us
Nice ego quiting before the end of et_beach BTW
BB ridiculous whiners :>

Seriously you need to look the whole T4Ce lineup before whining the whole finnish guys into probably ownz your poor ass fatboy
says enuff that you, busted cheater, were playing.
Busted :D ? where

Tell me why im not banned then
You were cheating on ETTV.

win on a technicality

shame on you :D
tapsa is a hacker coz hes t4ce !!!1 (nP he were at cdc3)
tapsa is a hacker cuz he is a hacker, nothing to do with t4ce.
There were lots of guys that was there, especialy suckers.
he kinda ownz everyones np4him
Im not totally cunt for talk to myself
I was pwnign!
nirv cheating? unexpected
Where do they talked about me ? rageb0y
You got nice english skillz to understand the senters like that :>
go play with jan and scorch again
gargantua ?
deaf dialogs
just played 3o3 vs them with silent and viol. 2 obi
hey you just played with 2 cheaters, but yeah..t4ce are so damn fucking obvious hackers
you don't have to delete anything sir
They are hacking for sure, but private bots and stuff so no ban for these lovely people.
so old humm3l :<
So diss them?

image: postfeminism
Nirv ftw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OFC meh for the ROflOFl win!!!!
iam zeh one and only so pls...
this will help the battle against cheaters for sure

every ones talking for sucking balls to the FAT Post3r , or just because they saw t4ce :Ddddddddd

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