Question ...

What is most popular story on xfire? 8D

Answers: (From hits & comments)

News: Tough Decisions (8175 views, 684 comments)

News post about Team NL being removed from NC

Article: Say goodbye to Portugal (40526 views, 704 comments)

The bust of several members from the Portugal National Team

Column: I dont envy Adacore (5876 views, 464 comments)

TosspoT discussion about the keran and _shy cheating

Interview: bye bye (from kamz) (12428 views, 436 comments)

A farewell from everybody's favourite enemy

Forum: Teh Fusen bust

Fusen owns netCoders

Conclusion: Cheaters generate all the attention! 8>
ill post the answer in 15 min
Quake Pack or the Porto Team getting busted tbh. :P
"Team Portugal busted" :D
This newspost is inter...
Perfo got busted
keran & shy got busted
fusen sherlocking
First announcement of cf-lan?
some cheater news ofc!!!!

team por, torspo, keran & shy or perfo

its quite possible that its some clannews (destroying old clannames and stuff)
mmh yeah that could be the answer :]
things like "mAus busted"
the Sweden rewind fails to attend lan newspost!
z best comments and flame wars are in those News/Interview/Article/Column its fun to read
the 5o5 debate
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