"Break a leg"

aint that stupid? To tell someone to go break a leg?

well, i broke my leg last night, and it aint that funny imo!
break another leg
lies, norwegians are like superman and claire@heroes

superrace, you must be faked @ birth or something
Drink more milk.
i think its too late for that now
Milk is shit! And i am not joking. Better to take 500-1000 mg calcium per day.

-Calcium, which is important for healthy bones, is abundant in milk and dairy products. Although it's possible to get ample calcium without milk, it does take some careful planning. Additionally, the calcium in milk is well absorbed by the digestive tract because the vitamin D and lactose found in milk facilitate calcium absorption.
-Skim milk and products made from skim milk are very low in fat and cholesterol, and contain a complete source of protein.
-Milk is also a good source of phosphorous, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin D, and riboflavin (a B vitamin).


-Whole milk, or anything made of whole milk, is high in saturated fat, which can increase cholesterol level.
-Milk is a common cause of food allergy (allergy to milk protein).
-Many people, especially adults, lack the enzyme to digest lactose (milk sugar). -This is called lactose intolerance, which causes bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
-Milk (and meat for that matter) may contain the antibiotics given to the animal before slaughter. It has been argued that when humans then eat the dairy or meat products, they absorb the antibiotics, potentially allowing for bacteria harmful to humans to become more resistant to these antibiotics. The consequence is that when antibiotics are prescribed, they may not be as effective at killing the bacteria as they once were.
don't forget that it tastes shit as well
:(it's nice with frosties
snuble back in action again!!!

wb in ET :D
but look it has a vantage

now u can spend more time in front of your pc :P
Get well soon again snuble. ;>
yesterday my friend broke his leg while playing football too, i'm soo glad it wasn't me because it looked very painful >:D
Hals und Beinbruch
nurd broke a lag -_-
avi or it never happened!
mhm ifeelsorryaboutyou
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