to sleep or not to sleep?

that is the question being asked....

my time it is currently 6:27 and i start work at 9:00


but i am 22 and tonight i was with a 28 year old very hot female....

IF ONLY I DIDN'T HAVE WORK :<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

BUT ALAS I DO soooooooooo. should i go to sleep for 1.5 hours? or just stay up?

i leave the question to you fellow crossfiremen/woman
dont sleep
stay awake
gooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaal lucaaaaaaa toniiiiiiiiiii

italy 2 : 0 georgia

italy > allllll

wtf is georigia? srsly stfu idiot
i need money so i NEED to go to work ^_^
go die

i have school its the best^^ lots of vacation :DDDdD:D.D::DDd:Ddd
you won't get up :P
stay awake or u will feel like shit when u get up
stay up, you'll be way more tired than before if you just sleep 1,5 hours...
drink coffee + red bull
i've had like 5 jager bombs tonight (jager + red bull) i need speed or something (coffee is meh)
kudos on the j-bombs, have 5 more
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