WP South Africa

They played a good game and just looked far too complete a team for England to do anything tonight, wtf with that England try that shoulda been though?
The first time I watched Rugby and it wasn`t that exciting... :/

American Football > Rugby
LOL please.
Superbowl > World cup idd
England/UK sucks at everything they compete in.

Football, Rugby, Cricket, Tennis, ET .. basically all sports and games.
All bow to the finnish football, rugby, cricket, tennis teams..... no wait hang on, do you even have these teams? k thx good night
actualy they're getting pretty good at football, they're in 3rd right after portugal, one point between them.
Meanwhile, England won't even qualify for Euro 2008, HAHA:D

Oh how xfire flags can mislead thee!
It takes away nothing from the stupid fucking comment you just made
Explain why it is not true?

Your football team fails to beat "average" countries and probably won't qualify for the Euro Championship this year.

Your rugby team got to the final because other teams slipped up, everyone gets excited, thinking you will win, but you get raped.

Your cricket team just sucks ass.

Tennis .. everytime Henman wins his first game, everyone gets excited, but then he gets knocked out in 2nd round by a seed in 180 or something.

UK's a country now?
Scotland, England, Wales, all same to me = All failures
Where are you from?
Why is that relevant?

So you can say "omg we are better than you because we have achieved things in the past!" ?
We? What do I have to do with this? I'm not from England or U.K.

I'm curious as to where you're from because I'd like to confirm my suspicion that you're a raging hypocrite. Are you ashamed of where your nation? Where do you come from?
I'm from South Africa.
dude im not english but ive lived there for 5 years now and i fucking love the country

now plz tell me what has south africa achieved other than wining the rugby world cup twice ?
Cricket team is better than yours, and they'd probably beat you in Football just like everyone else manages to do.

So that's your top 3 sports out of the window.
Quote they'd probably beat you in Football just like everyone else manages to do.
Ok that does it, you said your football team would probably beat us, lets just quit now since u said so
im not english so plz stop saying *yours*

and i lol'd england or portugal will never lose agaisnt SA in football and just tell me this if your so fucking proud of being south fucking african why the fuck do you have a finish flag ?
only show your support for your fucking country when you do something good ? your a fucking loser
Maiko on 20/10/07, 21:12:43
"Scotland, England, Wales, all same to me = All failures"

not northern ireland then?
and yet our country is still better than yours.
I would rather that my country wouldn't play any sports at all than seeing my country embarrass themselves in every sport possible every god damn year, lol.
embaress? a world cup final is embaressing after we try to retain our status of world champions, are you that much of a fool?
go evo, go evo, im with ya, im with ya
when u actually have a good team that doesnt do sports which consists of fairies dancing on ice and falling down snow mountains then stfu. I cant wait till hamilton beats every1 in the f1 tomorrow including kimi raikonen
and finland are good at what ? gaming.
Should of been a try imo, rly looked like one
Too bad for England, although I don't think anyone can be surprised, judging by England's last couple of years of rugby they should be happy with silver.

Also, it wasn't a try, his trailing left foot was in touch.
it was high though from every angle i saw it from
His foot was in touch before that.
yea just saw in replay, fair enough
His left foot was up in the air when he touched down
The point is that his foot touched the line while he was holding the ball, therefore the ball was in touch, doesn't matter if he raised his foot as he placed the ball down.
O well we got this far its a great way to defend your title going out to the best team in the world
I think England can be pleased with themselves for getting this far, the performances against Australia and France weren't really expected given England's 'underachievement' over the past year or two.
His foot touched the line and then went up again before rly go out xD Np u'r english,u'r blind and ego :D
Speaking of English, go work on yours.
Chut mate !
are you blind? His leg was in the air, you can clearly see on the replays that as the ball was placed, the leg was above the line and the knee hadnt yet touched the line - clear try imo.
See my reply to daze.
yeh but ive had too many beers so im up for an argument :D
ur right m8, if someone told me before the world cup that we would come 2nd i would have taken it/been happy, its just heart breaking when u see ur team and country come so close
I think the ref had a vendetta against cueto tbh, how many decisions went against him!
i have to agree i dont feel the ref had a good game
wo0 South Africa. :D
WP south africa idd, was a nice game to watch
ROFL;his foot touched the line before the ball touched the ground.As evryone knew : england rly boring xD no attack from the "behind players( number : 10 to 15) Just kick and put the pig in front :DDD Anyway GG South africa :> Abana >>> sake xD
it seems your right but btw how did france get on last night against argentina?
The topic YOU wrote wasnt about the last night match.
KTHX bye
no but you seemed to find it fit to call england boring at which point i thought of france and then i thought hmm... did they not get battered by argentina and did they not get knocked out by england the round before, so you can keep shut imo and sit there in 4th place licking your wounds, kthxbye
At least we won vs all blacks :o
and they won against australia
I think new zealand is quite better :)

edit: you football fan,go away..Even england is better than you in football !
lool sorry dont cry over losing to scotland

*edit* and the last time england beat us was quite some time ago
I dont give a shit about this gay sport xD Your pic is a shame :( : You look too proud :xx
thats because i am proud

and of course you dont give a shit the french only care when they win something

imo you never care =/
France wins nothing but i still care =) But surely not about this "sport".
Its habana not Abana - please actually know about rugby before posting in this journal kk thnx.
Oh damn :'( Ah right its the one wich owned ur number 14 :DDD H*abana sry mate ;) GG you lost :'(
England = 2nd
France = Oh wait you didnt come in the top three

EDIT: Dont get me started on the war... :D
You made me sad panda :( In my opinion, If u're not First in a world cup it has no importance. Plz look on All blacks..Finishing 5/6 whereas its the best :<
Are you pissed off because England knocked France out? Wouldn't be the first time in history that France wussed out. :P
Wouldn't be the first time that England FAILED
I cant think of any point in history where Finland has actually ACHIEVED anything.
Quote by MaikoI would rather that my country wouldn't play any sports at all than seeing my country embarrass themselves in every sport possible every god damn year, lol.
We won the ruby world cup last time, and came second this time - hardly embarrassing...
You're an idiot.
LOL your country is decent at nothing when it comes to sports. atleast england get somewhere. with HAMMMILTON winning the F1 tomorrow.
I'd love for that to happen but I don't think it will, too much pressure on him.
If he keeps his head and his car is fine he should win it. even if he don't come first just needs to stay in front of alonso
Its not the first time ive heard finland have no decent sports teams.
france often losing against Eng ; France often winning againt All blacks , damn cercle , not normal :D
;_; england

They did well to get to the final.
def. a try.. after that rush o_O.

wasnt a try (if you look at his toes of his left foot
he is in touch before the ball is put down) :D
not a try imo his foot touched the line before the ball

i wished england won so i would get free beers but it wasnt meant to happen

gg wp
You can try ...

but you would probably fail in that too!!!
Rofl didn't know the world war was a sport :P! If we're talking out of sport, we can easily talk about how your ET team sucks ass too?
An ET Team can hardly be compared to ending the genocide of the jews.
I don't see why this discussion has gone out of sports?

Was it a sort of "hmm ok, our country does suck as sports, let me post something that we did well in!" ?
Well done you won a Eurocup - maybe we should get Night and the rest of the old Idle/Dignitas team so they can talk about how they beat you at ET too.
Thank you, just about summed up your intelligence in a single post.

Oh, and I heard 1/5 people in England can't read?! LOL
Im glad you finally admit im clever.

You shouldnt laugh, those 1 in 5 people could go to Finland and pick any job they wanted.
They probably wouldn't be able to locate it on the map 8(
It easy, they can just follow the signposts to "The only place in Europe Resembling a 3rd World Country"
We? Are you a veteran?

'Most of Europe'...?
Even the irish are better than you at Football .. jesus. With their star team of 0 players.
yerrrrrrrrrrrr boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
lol just wait till we in iceland get a rugby ball to our country !

your all doomed i tell you ! specially you Sol...i think im going to Dublin in January :D!
this is the BEST journal EVER!
I agree with Maiko, Scotland sucks at polo.
ahahah @ everyone falling for that troll
i saw it as a try, but then again.. i was ordering drinks so i missed the 'try' and all the replays :P
Hate to break it to you guys but rugby is shit :O

The most controversial thing that happened today in sports was...

how bad Clattenburg's performance was!
Just to name something where Finland is better: education. It's apparent.
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