The competition goes on...

Plzz ET gamers .. help my band VINDRA in MTV:s competition :

ATM we are on second place , but leaders have over 60 % and we have 12 % so ... go to click enter | vote and vote beside VINDRA " in my head" just click on vote again and confirm your vote plz ... you can do it once a day..

Warning ! connection might be a bit slow..

hope that you will help a fellow rtcw | ET player!!

Feel free to check out our myspace page 4 more songs under better connection:

I also wanna thank all the nice ppl that already voted 4 us!

And plz dont spamm in other languages then ENG | Swe | Swahili here ... :p

sincere .. //.gob@r
Done! It's 13% now, you're welcome :P
done, but I think that he ones at the first place deserve it, no offense :)
Done. Actinidiaaaaaaaaaa
ye kevin ! but actually the first 4 groups/artists go to the finals , and next week its 15 new groups to vote 4!!

I like Union Square as well even if they do sound a bit like ... limp?? :p

np all and hope u all have had a nice week end..
done np.
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