
Anyone watching kojak vs overload? In particular roYal. He hits a stupid amount of head shots despite having ridiculously high sensitivity and quite awful movement. Purely because oveload are bad or is there something I've overlooked?

I'm not implying or suggesting anything, I just can't see how you can hit so many head shots while being so 'random'. I watched the MPG vs eSuba match before just for comparisons sake. He's worse on attack now, but still ;(

he is really the best player ive ever seen
I preferred your previous comment.
I had to spec him for first time and change my comment!
dont have et
ip and ill tell you my opinion
I thought the same concerning royal's aim tbh :D
but I don't know him or anything, guess he's clean.
Man dont make a journal about every kojak player ;)
duKe_ du bist der nächste :P
He read this journal and turned his bot down...
LoooooL roYal is playing 2 years before you ever heard of et and now you call him random :DDDDDDDD

he played a lot of 3on3 and increased his skill a lot around 1 year ago then he was inactiv (bored of ET) and now back again!!
I know he has played for some time and I wasn't implying anything, just his head shot ratio and aim seem weird and unconventional.
mmmh after several years of playing everyone got his own style and thats his!! :]
He is nice player + also:

GuNner is a V nice player imho,
u payed for cheat.. u are stupid
roYal u are busted <3: D
ferus did more.. did he hack?

grow up, kiddo!
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