The lunar effect

anyone else suffering from this?

cant sleep at nights !
i has the same
What is that? If it is what I think it is, just use curtains.
stop energy drinks niggah
Count United Kingdom Sheeps XDDD
Yeah, I hate this. Have to stay whole night up howling to the moon and hunting virgins around the town. Don´t even get me started about the bodyhair growth.
ye life's a bitch :/
nah not really
stay awake the whole day then go2bed at 10 o clock in the evening wake up in the morning at 8 o clock and tadaaa your biorhytm should be usual again!!!
I just tried that, I went to sleep at 10, woke up at 3, couldnt sleep till almost 6 and then slept to almost 2 a clock.
demand yourself to be awake a whole night and a whole day until 10 in the evening and you should be tired to sleep for around 8-10 hours then woke up and do something tiring (work,sport) and go to bed at 10 o clock again!!!!

if i cant sleep i am watching movies i already saw a couple of times then i am bored and fell asleep :DD
slept 14 hours last night
I had 3 hours of sleep and decided to watch 2 movies at night because I couldn't sleep, can I have a few hours of you tonight?
sorry, have to spare them for next week
shit happens
what is it?
I got other problem. I sleep too much...
Extremely tired cos of school n afterschool lessons.
HI2U Exams...
I never sleep.
chmpp come sleep next to me ;);)););))
I had the biggest headache yesterday and felt kinda weird too :)
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