Last Night !!!#"!"

Good morning.

Just wanted to say that i had motherf***ing good last night with my girl.

and u geekz?

image: smile-gratis
had fun too with my PC & bottle of vodka last night, how pathetic is that?
Just wanted to say that i had motherf***ing good last night with my girl.

dude you dont have to lie we wont think any less of you
Just wanted to say that i had motherf***ing good last night with your girl.
Ye ur bird said she had A NIGHT TO REMEMBER when she was with me :o).
Thats cos you have a small willy
its a NIGHT TO REMEMBER because I have a small willy? :s
nice self respect by publish it on crossfire....

nerd :>
so good that you had to tell the crossfire community

what a life you lead
more like your fuckable doll
fuckable? :o
we are so impressed almost as much as by your car
yo mamafuka$
had a nice homeparty, maybe slept 10 minutes :(
Oh nice you lost your virginity at the age of 19, and you sharing it with a internet community. Congrats
mercedez-amg > m3 ^^
well, her ex-boyfriend told me that it's a secret, but they're together again. incidentally, i got a lot more action than he did, since he got none :DDD
nope, don't worry :P
that's why i told you not to worry D: i'm still healthy if u are nP
f00kLoL, brb blood test >:
you fucked a mum?
omg look at me, I have my first girlfriend atm and I wanne search for some attention on the internet .... puss
rly apriciate that u wanna share with us that u have a girlfriend, and EVEN u had sex with her last night! great:)
i are dying >:
rly interesting, maybe you win the care cup 2007
think he has rly big chance:)
we need a poll imo

but what are other possibilities to vote for?
yes. We need a poll :>

edit: don't know:(
u have aids? how did you get it
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