hMg has come to an end!

Well this was gonne be our last match as a team. When we lost the EC-quali vs megapr0 we were very dissapointed so that was our last match untill tonight, we moved on to COD-series, me, slajdan, nordan, snail,anox will go play cod4. Olbaa and X will remain in ET i guess.

I had a great time playing in HARD! we had some nice results:)


HARD! olBaa
HARD! sNail
HARD! nordan
HARD! slajdan
HARD! .X.!
HARD! appel

big thanks goes out to vila, sneek, rezta, anox, chmmp, xzz always being there when we needed them!
Also wanna thank lun4t1c and m1lk, helping us winning gamersnation vs phan:) giving us the boost we needed after 3 weeks inactivity:)

See you in other places then ET bb:) #hmgaming
bibuy , u were ok !
why do all good things come to an end?
go on furtado!
wp bibuy !!
+ me at cod4 ://
=) good luck in the future!
"big thanks goes out to vila, sneek, rezta, anox" yea, where is appel ? ;o
"HARD! isEN:xL
HARD! olBaa
HARD! sNail
HARD! nordan
HARD! slajdan
HARD! .X.!
HARD! appel"
=D ! Didnt see his nick there :< Soz.
I played a little bit more than those players!
but I dont know you so how can you know :>
I know coz olBaa knows. Ask him.
dont need to, I believe you (lol)
cu.. was nice a nice clan =)
gg wp bb
Adios Amigos
Good riddence!

lol jk, gl in future guys!

you still suck isen<3
at least you didnt bother to call it a day at top.
Biubuy olba!
i need thanks too :(
you guys were a nice team to watch :) congratz for all you've achieved and gl in future games :)
is it possible to hack @ cod4 yet ? NAaaaajz.
too bad, gl
cya in 2 weeks rly
en ik dan omfg
dat xzzje wordt vergeteeuuhhh :)
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