
need a script that is you go sniper and you zoom it changes to m_pitch 0.045 and when you zoom out it changes back to 0.015!
set zoomin "+weapalt;m_pitch 0.045;vstr zoomout"
set zoomout "+weapalt;m_pitch 0.015;vstr zoomin"
set zoomtoggle "vstr zoomin"

bind mouse2 "vstr zoomtoggle"

Dunno if it will work i just made it up :D
it wont work because noone use the zoom button to zoom out!!
^7Lakaiii ^cx^eDDD^7: ^2learn to play snipers without scripts
nice stealing quotes from me perfo and tapsa!

and you got it wrong its:

^7Lakaiii ^ex^cDDD^7: ^2learn how to use a sniper without scripts
Quote by rzz(nC customer)Go to your etmain folder and saerch for the etkey, delete it. After that you start your et, open up the console and type /pb_cdkeyreg , that will give you a new etkey. If you did that you can connect to any server with a new pb guid and etpro guid

they have some smart ppl there
pa nemoj ih to ucit ba jes ti normalan ;_)
sto i pola nikad nece moc da saznaju kako to da urade.
btw ajd da napravimo clan
pa nista ih ne ucim, ovo je i oako totalno krivo
sta ce mi klan, imam vec 3 :P
al ja imam 0 i niko nece da me primi sto sam nepoznat a dajem samo 3h3h3h
Bind mouse2 "weapalt; m_pitch 0.045"
Bind 3 "weaponbank 3; m_pitch 0.01501"

Press 3 to unzoom (or if you lose the scope without unzooming it yourself, due to for example knockback).
paljon sulla on sensitivity ku zoomaat?
270 astetta per 40,5cm (kauas vähemmä)
ok, tack så mycket !
seta sensitivity "x"
seta m_pitch "0.01501"
bind 1 "weaponbank 1;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2;cg_autoreload 1;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3;cg_autoreload 0;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7;m_pitch 0.01501;sensitivity x"
bind mouse2 "-zoom;weapalt;m_pitch 0.03;sensitivity x"

+ fps 71
ja smth liek that :)
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