The last resort :X

yeah lunatic again. Bulld0g just confirmed.


image: monkyub3
fucking retarded imo. Why again?
seems he enjoyed the ban and wants another one :XD
indeed, WP bulld0g, guess butchji has no problem from the cheating scum :)
maybe he didnt delete the hack properly and got banned again?
He got banned 5 months ago or something .. And he praced some matchs with vae for cdc3..this isnt the excuse
i dont care!
i really doubt it.
Thats exactly what i beleive m!das
same here tbh
Its the new pb service running in the background of your PC. He got busted for the same cheat imho. He still had traces of the hack on his pc, which eventually turned up.
mmh? could be sarcasm but i dont think so :o
no sarcasm :)
once a cheater...
once a cheater, allways a cheater!
meh, i truly doubt that he cheats..
<3 that monkey
and he will be unbanned for the next major lan event. so what?
Yeah, but won't preform well imo.
Why you are happy?
not rly. Lunatic is a very good player and i doubt he hacks in any official match etc. But he will be banned again. Too bad :<
You should be sad then. ;o
not rly.. i dont care.. its not my problem. but im not happy with this.
IMO MD5 mismatches are pointers, not proof.

same as having a gun in your house doesn't proof you used it.
If you have a gun without license it's kinda big deal. ;)
true, but I think you get my point :P

im btw not defending him, im just stating that a file-mismatch isn't proof someone hacked.
Yeah, I agree with that. And with it, hacking pn pub is simpley way diffrent than hacking in an offical. I believe there should be a server without PB where you could play with hacks, test it, understand how it works instead of whiing everything u get headshot. Half this community dont know wtf how it works, hs = hax. It's my opinion, there was such a server once. It would do alot less troubles, but hey, it's my opinion.
I believe there are still non pb servers where ppl are free to play with hax. If ppl want to they could simply try it there, but then you get the problem that most users are not capable of properly deleting whatever hack they installed and thus will be fucked by things like MD5 checks when they play on PB enabled servers.
I guess our only chance is to bomb nC then.
can I help?
well, he actually loaded a hack, even though he might not have known he was doing so..

but given that he probably knew he downloaded the hack...
Im pretty sure he DID know

getting busted twice by the same thing isnt just coincidence
learn about what an md5 check is, then we'll talk again.
MD5Tool Mismatch: nex_settings.src(null) (len=32)

You mean that he just left nexus cheat cfg or a cheat.pk3 in his et folder and he didnt mean to use it right?

How did it ever get on his PC?

You said its a "pointer"
well this "points" to him having used it

so stop defending him, you just look like an asshole arguing with everybody
Stop being an idiot. I'm not defending him. I'm saying MD5 mismatches aren't proof someone USED a hack. You can have a rambo's knife under your pillow but that doesn't mean you killed someone with it now does it.

He was busted a while back for nexus. If you know some of lunatic's history you would know with quite some certainty that he used nexus a long time ago for the fuck of it since he had already quite competition gaming. The reason why this MD5 mismatch popped up is most likely cuz a file (in this case nex_settings.src) was found in his ET folder.

Go ahead, I dare you to try it. Ask him for the file and put it in your ET folder. It won't do anything but sit there, but you will be banned for it cuz a file with a certain name and md5 checksum is found in your ET folder.

It proofs that there is a file, nothing more nothing less.
well it somehow got into his folder, which cannot mean anything but his intention to use it

you cannot say that just cause he possibly didnt load a hack that he isnt guilty. He is per definition a cheater, since he downloaded this file which is only used for CHEATING

so you might say it DOESNT prove he actually cheated this time
but he did have it in his ET folder and given that he already has been busted once for the same hax
I wouldnt make this journal a place to prove a point of , guilt by association.

Truth is that every other player would get completely hammered for something like this, but just cause its a guy who's been around for a long time and is viewed as a "star" people like you will do your best to try and persuade the rest of us that HE is different from the rest.
People like me do what? Dude, im not fucking trying to defend him you idiot. I care less if he gets banned or not. I'm just saying that the presence of a file isn't PROOF YOU HACKED.. learn to fucking read imo.
ehm you say I need to learn to read?

where did I say that you were wrong in saying that md5tool check in itself doesnt prove someone hacked?

all I ever said was that this goes way beyond what you implied in your first comment...
Quotewhere did I say that you were wrong in saying that md5tool check in itself doesnt prove someone hacked?

FUCKING ROFL, omg.. in your very first reply to me!


^^ duh..
what you said was "IMO MD5 mismatches are pointers, not proof."

it is proof
But what I meant is that it proves a series of events .

Every person with an IQ over 100 would tell you that ONE isolated event cannot prove a damned thing
and I know that as well

but you said it wasnt proof, when it infact proves SOMETHING

"where did I say that you were wrong in saying that md5tool check in itself doesnt prove someone hacked?"

md5tool check in itself, meaning that single isolated event , not connected to anything else is obviously NOT proof of anything

I hope you get what Im saying, I think it was just a misunderstanding of words...
it simply doesn't proof if you hacked or not. Sure, it falls in the category "you don't put on a condom if you're not going to fuck" but in itself it simply does not proof 100% that you cheated.

understand me correct as well, I'm not here to defend cheaters cuz i fucking hate cheaters. im just saying it isn't a correct way with which you can say for certain that someone hacked or not.
thats still his own fault, i would reinstall ET after returning from a ban
you dont put on a condom unless your ready to fuck
how would you know :P
your mom showed me ! ;D
pft owned
I find condoms to be quite the fashion accessory. :P
well, you can do legal stuff with guns like hunting or going to shooting range, but can you do anything else with cheats than cheat?

I don't think that anyone can have a proper reason for having some files, which surely belong to some hack, on his ET folder ("my dog or grandma must've installed it on my computer" ain't a proper reason)
wrong! u can go check hitboxs with cheats (c) keran
Im not defending him, I'm just saying md5 mismatches is not proof someone hacked.
like he cares, it's not like he plays really actively
too bad ...
If only u could ban cheaters from the game forever. if he cheated he should never be unbanned.
Agreed :(.
Netherlands - cheater country :XD
i feel insulted! :'(
im still clean..

i agree!
When you get banned innocently, do you sit and wait 6 months (but still going to be known as a cheater) or do you think to yourself "fuck it" and stop caring. Ponder.
do u mean lunatic got banned innocently?
nope he admitted it and this time its like many above said it was present on his pc from last time. Believe either way i dont care i will have to action it when it comes to it. i have lots more to do atm its time will come.
Yes, ban all the public cheaters (lunatic, perfo, kamz, etc) and leave the ones who are playing in EC/OC. Good plan.
there are people in the oc/ec being banned daily, just i dont bother posting them here like this dude but not all are high or even med
men, wtf is a pub, 90% of et players have used a hack on a pub i bet.
I'd guess like 15%
haxing on pub is worse than in wars.
he played in the meanwhile wihout getting busted, so how do u explain that :o ?
only our backup player and not mentioned on our rosters afaik so if he really did toggle his goggles #care. bye bye luna. xD
haha lunatic xD
i dont mind ppl who hack on publics but still its pretty ridiculous that a guy who have proof of cheatfiles on his computer plays EC like it wouldnt be a big deal at all. If that guy would've been someone from mod (no offence, just an example) whole scene would be flaming them around untill something would've happened.
yes, its me, the champlja !
i said that. add a (c) ag0n
Another cheater scandal. ETplayers getting fucked in the ass while the the real cheaters never have a prob with all this cheatbusting.
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