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is it watchable, or? What you think? share your thoughts.
clip <--- url
sry for my bad engrish.
yes it is
some faster action with more moving thingys would be better for a test maby but yes its wactchabel
hi q3/q4 playerrrr! :)
=) hi first q4 playr who i won :)
and it was your first time?
new config / fps lag / bad mouse / fuckedup pad / phone / no luck ;D
ohm :::::::-D, But i _WIN_
[i have uninstalled q4 maybe i should install it again in future, and then rematch ;)]
Need the song!
only one member? :D
nah- uninstalled winamp
needs more AA. could use more fps if you gonna make such slowmotions. that hand script font looks ugly, and player name should be placed lower. other than that it looks ok :)
add some saturation, smaller name tag, contrast maby more, try to avoid black screens with the name text + the ending with 1 frame sucked

quality was good enough. song name? sounds familiar but cant recall the name :^(((
cheap version of coldplay - clocks?
dont use etpro nade cam. Make one yourself.
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