ET:FW continues!

After 1 of the flame wars, recent events have compelled me to make this maybe a bit shorter sequal. With complete psychic review of our main characters.

Therefore I give you:
image: ETFW3

Tonights match was less than nothing in terms of excitement, though with moomoofarm the ET community always gets what they didn't pay for. For they began flaming for no apparant reason and getting of while doing it.

The biggest accusations go to our community friend Belgium kiss together with fellow belgian Belgium stormG! They seem to get their panties wet by throwing random flame comments at their opponent. Ofcourse there is nothing that the 'normal' ET player can see as to what triggered this random series of flaming whine comments at his opponent, United Kingdom Impact-Gaming.

Now the question that comes to mind while seeing this mindless rattling is: 'What makes them flame so blatently?'
I have done some research into the background of our fellow ET playing Belgium Belgians. What I have come across will be more than just explanatory to their behaviour.

It all started when they were young boys playing with their toy guns in the nearby park. Like any normal kid they were innocently playing around the park until suddenly image: pedobear7db and something went down that is not appropriate to reveal on this site with underaged children, but the more mature people will get the point.

Apparently something happened with the toy guns aswell, since they were not found again after the terrible event. This serious childhood trauma has converted itself into some sort of second personality whenever they see guns. So whenever playing ET and getting raped by to many guns their second personality comes into play with the supressed memories of that single day and all frustration and anger gets triggered to who ever is around.

So what happened today was that these personality showed their faces after getting a spanking by United Kingdom Impact. So let's not judge them by their actions, in fact try to understand why they are how they are and let's try to help them.

This journal is completely fictional and the writer is does not mean to hurt anyone with it. If you do feel offended I will refer you to image: 282c0713
haha :XDDDDD

It's sad that kiss got in touch with stormG, if not he maybe wouldn't whine that much and be such a retard at Inet :< .
true, but I'm not THAT retarded :d
part 1 > this
not that funny but dr phils picture made up for it
It had to be done in short notice :<
one word..


+ Griimeh <3
he's not even in this topic and he gots a heart

wtf rat, wtf !!!
hes not belgian... and therefor... NOT A COMPLETE RETARD... (and yes ur also belgian) :XD
And in private logs ur like "i love you lazio etc etc" and when we're out ur all liek gtfo bitch
slovenac !
what is this, stating the obvious competition?
haha.. nice =D
Thx for laugh! :D
really, laughed my ass off, I absolutely knew that the link would be a pedobear pic or gif, boy was I right.
hahaha. mmf = retards
hope :DDD
ET fail wars?
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