Operation revive RTCW

What do you think when some ppl start playing RTCW again ?

I mean with some support from randoms cups etc. it will be nice or not?

The only problem is to get a key , but u can go and buy it for about 10€

I mean RTCW is the greatest game , and ET die and die , so what should happens

RTCW sucks, period.
ha i bet u never played rtcw actively and competitive, otherwise u would definently not have this opinion.
I can host a cup for like 5 euros or smth +Dd
I think its a great idea, because rtcw is acually better than ET, aimwise.
So ye im with u ScaTmaN_
first get a non cheating clan in et plz... u totaly dissapointed me...
ya me too...
do u even know anything about the team ?
u dont.
u dont know the lineup.
and the lineup with kenta reaz twinzz tetsuo mize jackie lun4t1c is bs
RtCW > ET :]

but mmh it wont work out pretty well :(
no point in playing RTCW when you have ETpro
<< no hitsounds no skill xD
I think without hitsound a game is played with your primal senses, you can bluff your enemy with 10 hp. Things you can't do with hitsound where you can controle all the things.

Wolf: ET is cool when you're an assisted player.
go for it
im with you too, gl
Never played it! :D
just played demo :<
iam with you
et is dying for like a year alrdy, it's still one of the most played games (most bans too xD!)
but a lot of ppl still play et, there are not many games surviving as long as et tbh
wont work, no skilled teams left, no onesoldier, kih, svper or anything...and nice trying to get all the retarded etkiddies to rtcw (im excluding myself here)...pls just dont even try to...
hey Andrzej S. where are you from? you look very familar to someone i've seen few times and u even have the same name :D
u even didnt play it,.. and u are trying to revive it XD
im with you.
im with you.
no rtcw h4x avi so ---> NO!
pm nackshot for details!
my cousin stole my cdkey :/
i wish i could have played RTCW from the beginning:(
oh yeah im 19 now..
but when it came out.. wow i remember even before it came out me and my dad and uncle were watching a preview on TV
and i was like DADDY DADDY i want that game and he was going to get me it

but GRR EVIL MOMMA blabla nazi symbols
blabla this.. blabla that..
lol. I remember just randomly picking it up from GAME for my first pc never new it would lead to 5years of gaming on my PC =]
i bought it by myself before they forbidden it in yermany!!
If you look how the game is put together its just a really bad game which had no future as online game anyway. No recoil, basic maps, ugly GUI etc wouldn't draw a non competitive gamer to a game nowadays -,-
Im still be with you, always, always.
hm no... it would be much better imo if we play more rtcq maps ^^

more retrocups would be cool with rtcwmaps

hackers love et, and will stay with it, purely cos they dont have to pay to buy a new key when banned :/ rtcw owns et for rate of fire, aim, players and clans when it was going strong, the only reason rtcw died was because of et and it being free. et is the bastard child of rtcw and awlays will be.no 4k no omg! no big clans play et.they all left cos its shit. BRING BACK RTCW! you got my vote
change by server to a RtCW one !!! :DDD
mine to , now plz unban me from bio XD
mate, ive no idea why youre banned :O pm me your guid !
sir yes sir
for all players who want to play rtcw (4 a longer time) lets do it now
yaya ofc die irl
etqw is growing and growing. Now that the stats @ gamespy are NOT bugged anymore (they only displayed a few 100 ppl) we are already @ position 7 with around 9000 ppl

EDIT: its rank 5 atm with 8000 ppl right behind ET with 15000 ppl

who cares how many players there is when the game sucks?
no. you read it wrong.

et = 3378 servers, 7608 players

et:qw = 1301 servers, 7261 players

only 347 difference. but i still hate et:qw
oh idd, thx.

but sooner or later i think qw will evolve as a competive game
dont think so, becouse of cod4 for example.
two totally different games...

CoD4 = moden warfare, team deathmatch based game with small maps but a lot of action throughout the map, permanent stats with permanent unlocks and perks, no user controllable vehicles

ET:QW = future warfare, objective based game with big maps but concentrated action, permanent stats with no permanent unlocks, vehicles...
but still. I think likely everyone will forget et:qw after cod4 publishing
I wont so your theory is wrong :P
QuoteI think likely everyone...

^^ :-D but let it be. :b actually i don't care, just wanted to give my opinion. :)
Lol @ top mods for ET
et: 11.391 players

crossfire: Members: 14.130
revive rtcw! (i would even play it with my 200-300+ ping in india only for the sake of playing it)
but where can you buy it? because there are no stores in germany that have it uncensored :(
ET Pro > RtCW, thnx cya
I got the GOTY edition <3

not installed since i got my New pc, but i would play, np4me.

RTCW > ET. But there just isn't enough people on it.
rtcw was the golden age fo sure
Hannes is right. Play ET or ET:QW, everything else is nonesense if you want to play competitively.
RTCW : Singleplayer > all :D
give me cdkey and ill play np
If someone organized a 'onedaycup -rtcw' tournament, I guess less than 10 teams would participate. :/
is jolt 3 still running?
yes it is jolt.co.uk - (3) War Maps (OSP 0.83)
i'm in ! rtcw ftw baby!
And for the love of god, please play OSP and not any other version or mod kthx.
now, lets create some clans shall we? who's with me?
Don't have it, sorry.
it would be better to "keep et alive" instead of "revive rtcw"
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