steam users only

hi since yesterday i started up my css like 8times and it crashed every single time i wanted to enter the game. the game just stays stuck
i played the whole day yesterday but then i had this problem in the evening and boom , i can't play anymore now

anybody encountered this problem before? let mi know

no i dont!! but i have this fucking invitations in this strange steam community!!
ton jeu ce lance, tu voit la pic css et il se ferme ou bien ?
je rentre dans le serveur, apres le jeu calle. le son commence a ce repeter sans cesse jusqu'a ce que le pc dit que le program ne reagi pas blabla
ah merde, j'peut pas t'aidé alors :[
I think your steam got AIDS :(
steam is aids
i had the same bought new PC
*edit* did never find a soulution 4 me!
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