ex hackers

do you guys agree that it is ok to play with people who have hacked in the past and got ban from cb.....? is it ok to take them into your clan?

I think it's retarded and one of the reason ET is dying. teams that keep on taking players without checking their backgrounds, or simply not caring should be banned for 3 months or so.
decem i agree... i just left plr because confo and nev are playing with them and i got flammed for it...i said exactly the same thing to them
QuoteI think it's retarded and one of the reason ET is dying.

The other reason is most proberly because it's a free game and cheater got nothing to lose money-wise by cheating in ET.
so even if they got nothing to lose....why should we accept this into the community>?
If they served their penalty then give them a chance.
why>?...show them they are not welcome and it would make a zero tolerance policy and people would think twice about hacking...
So if someone was a convicted thief who sentenced his penalty you wouldn't give him a chance to prove that he changed and just stand up along the other "judges" saying "you'll never change"? That's some narrowminded thinking you got there mate.
its a complete different story, stealing in real life you really damage people money wise. In ET its different, although they should ban the retard cheaters just for life. People that keep coming back, and play in high skilled teams with loads of fanboys behind them that still scream he really doesnt cheat, they should ban those people to.

If there is proof someone cheated in an official war. 2 years ban from every game on CB/ESL/etc. Cheated on public, atleast 6 months ban if there is really proof they used it. If they get banned for stupid CVAR errors, its only proof someone once had it, no proof he really used it, people are still allowed to use cheats on non-PB servers. Unless they payd for it, then the last thing is highly unlikely.
i think taking over someones channel because they have 1 or 2 players that have been busted ages ago and are now playing clean is pathetic imo
k i quote from yourself if ex hackers didnt play there would be like 2 fuckin clans left lol...... hmm nice going....
am i lieing with that statement ?

i sincerely doubt it

you should focus your attention on people that are actually playing at a high level with hacks at the moment, not people that previously used one and have served their ban period
LeThAl i think you should listen to what decem and taken are saying... because you dont seem to understand =]
well im talking about a game not some stuff you can go to jail for...et doesnt seem to be working with how it is going atm...something needs to stop the cheaters and if you got a better idea id like to hear it>?
cheaters always win

havent you realised that yet ?
with that attitude...it will get you no where =]
well there is nothing you can do about it

so you are gonna have to get used to it

i personally have never cheated, or even thought about it, so it makes it that more satisfying when you beat someone that is later found out for using cheats
LeThAl your argument is very stupid...take some time to think about what you got to say...and get back to me
hes right, cheaters always win, you cant beat them, in anything, ever, there will always be 1 that gets away with it
yes but why let the ones who arnt getting away with it....get away with it>?
unless you pay a team of people to do that 24/7 - it will never happen
Cheat busted is cheat busted.

The CB and ESL ban system is just a joke, as the people retarded enough to hack in online games dont become less retarded in 6 or 3 months..
on esl they actually get a 2 years ban
the big joke is cb but sadly esl isnt really interesting for et players and never was
mybad, thought some bf players got really short ESL bans :/
cuz hes a retard?
cuz he's a joker
he is a cheater himself red warnings @ yawn :(
me.... show me where please?
why not? its not like every hacker will be always hacking
so you would play with 2 ex busted people happily
thats right
then you are killing et....thank you for your input
like how ? more players more alive
thats a very idle view
More hackers/ex hackers = more people quitting the game with that as a reason.
ppl quit ET because they think some dude is hacking?, makes sense.
Are you really that slow that you can't see that a lot of people have left ET solely because of the cheats weather they be random pub players or skilled ones, and it wasn't nC that did that either, it was chaplja.
agree, chaplja is a very bad person
Because they feel there is no fair play in the game anymore.
i agree with you there.. in real life you can't always say "once a thief always a thief" because the fact is: people change.
but...even if people change...et needs to change...it on a narrow path to death...rule out the cheaters...exile them....i think this would change et for the better
that would kill the game even more tbh
so you say...let the cheaters and ex cheaters play.... hmm nice with your statements
The game is 4 years old, ET:QW and CoD4 is most likely gonna be it's death rather than some random cheaters.
well i agree but why should we leave et with a crap name...as a game with full of cheaters...and when someones asks you ever play et?...they go...oh that game full of hackers...why cant we let et rip without the hacks>?
Same thing goes for CS.....
but am i talking about cs>?
I just stated that what you described is what people think about when CS is mentioned.
well why let et go down the same path as cs...or do you think it is too late>?
it was too late at the day it was released as a Free game
it might be too late for pubs....but why for competition play...? the community controls most of the game...? mistake me if im wrong
You have seen competitive ET in the past year right? many players who actually played/plays competitive have been caught.
it might be too late for pubs....but why for competition play...? the community controls most of the game...? correct me if im wrong
i actually lold at you
nice knowing i can still make retards laugh =]
i bet you chuckled then
well just so everyone knows...this is simple opinion...do not take it as a final view because to be frankly honest i just wanted to hear opions...i have voiced mine and its nice to hear everyones side
you more or less tried to change their opinions :)
true but i like to give my side of the argument strongly...
Try to be less forcefully and use the brain for logic thinking instead of being pro one side only. As i said, people change so you can't just judge aperson who served either a 3month or 6 month ban for w/e cheat.... Give them a 2nd chance instead of being a dick, that's my opinion anyways :)
firstly dont call me a dick....i have said nothing in the way of flame to you m8...and secondly i understand where your coming from and i partially agree...but yh dont call me a dick =]
the "dick" was meant in general, not to you :)
thought you'd get it seeing as you got the UK flag =/
well i didnt .... sorry bad me
could have said "give them a chance instead of being too judgemental"
off to bed now nite nite...niice chatting to you =]
nn, agreed nice chats :)
If they cheated on public long time ago it's ok but competitions cheaters should have tolerance zero indeed
yes, cause they are nice guys in ventrilo
They should be banned from the internetz. then taken to court and put in prison.
Nah seriously they shouldnt be allowed to play the game any longer.
Depends if they\'re known cheaters, publicly busted, what kind of cheat*** it is (e.g. Razz case, he used rivatuner + ext xhair, yet everyone still likes the guy)
after they serve their ban, it's ok to take them, but not advisable
People that keep coming back, and play in high skilled teams with loads of fanboys behind them that still scream he really doesnt cheat, they should ban those people to.

If there is proof someone cheated in an official war. 2 years ban from every game on CB/ESL/etc. Cheated on public, atleast 6 months ban if there is really proof they used it. If they get banned for stupid CVAR errors, its only proof someone once had it, no proof he really used it, people are still allowed to use cheats on non-PB servers. Unless they payd for it, then the last thing is highly unlikely.
It depends on the case. But mostly it`s not ok.
Most of them it's ok, especially if they atleast got clean yawn way long after the ban, and the cheat case was done before the nC attacked ET like that. Also it shows the hacker wasnt serius if he used ubersuper old hacks who can easly be detected by PB.
ot_ commands are invoke, quite serious.
Please, it's one hell shit of an old hack...
It is a semipriv/priv hack, old or not, both v2 and the new priv release use those cvars.
You know quite a lot! *SUSPICIOUS LOOKS* :D
I also knows how to perfectly fold a t-shirt, doesn't mean I have ever done it though. :-P
no don't take them omg! 8D
Depends on the person, ban and if they served it without cheating. In some cases people have been out of the game for a year or two and for some kid to come in and judge without reason or logic just aggravates things further.
I served my ban without cheating, let's make a clan m8 !!!!
I didn'....ok meight! :D
no its not ok!
so that goes for all the poeple who still play/played with razz and perfo then ?
you are an idiot
the only people that give the ET community a bad name are those that think that themselves, ie. people like you :)

if you didnt write posts like this then it would be fine and would have less of a bad name in your view.

regardless of the cheaters

there are cheaters in all games

if they used nexus on a pub once and i know them well, i would.
But depends on the person, if i would have the slightest suspicion that they think that hacking isnt a big deal => kick/ban/bitchslap
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