Now seriously....

... this is not funny:
image: not%20funny08789fba
whats not funny?
i didnt think it was funny either
whats that? :(
what does it mean
sturmgeist89 is the guy who killed 8 people in a school in Finland yesterday. Obviously shot himself in the head right after as well.

Want a link to his ftp...?
so this guy came back from the dead just to idle the channel ?

btw why would a dead guy have an ftp ? surely it wouldnt be very useful to him
either your sarcasm is not funny, or you are on drugs.
im not on drugs right now because last time i did mdma i took a little too much and lost my mind so im taking a break untill xmas when my mates gt back from uni then im gunna get pilled up
see, if people were lways on mdma or ecstacy then nothing bad would happen becasue everyone would be loved up
ecstacy? a guy in estonia beated 4 guys up while he was on ecstacy with an excuse " i like how people's bones crunched when i hit them with my fists"

the guy was normal when he wasnt on drugs ..
well ok just stick to mdma because sometimes pills can make you a bit skatty =]
dno, i dont like drugs at all
alcohol is nice though
dont get me wrong i like drinking, infact ive been drunk 6 nights out of the last 7 so yeah :p but its a lot of effort and expensive, and when your drunk you cant control yourself and you could be sick :DD
Psychedelic drugs make you calm and "love and peace" -style (engrish, np), but not everyone is taking it as good as we might do.
I had some bad experiences with people trying psychedelic drugs.....
my mate sketched out once and though he kept hearing police, and another of my mates thought there were hands coming out of the floor trying to grab him :DD i dont get sketchy or paranoid apart from last time i did mdma i did quarter of a g in one bomb(double wrapped) and a line of coke, then i realised how much i jsut did and started to worry a little but but as soon as i was up it was fine =]
i never had any bad experiences.
though i dont take anything regulary.
Some other guys i know freaked out pretty hard, and got arrested.
damn thats pretty harsh =] i never freak out normally but it was that one time i was a little sketchy, nothing mad
even with weed, like i smoke it near enoug everyday but the paranoia doesnt get to me
the shit bout weed is that the paranoias come when youve stopped smoking it, happend to a good friend of mine, he was always depressive, horrified bout everything, and thought of suicide. In the end he just started smoking 24/7 again and hes fine now, kinda sad.
yeah kinda weird
show me theftp pl0x
;p have you see na movie called "its all gone pete tong" ?
no but i answered in ur journal with a link. dl atm. :D
What the fuck, I heard there was 2 other cases in america with the same story, a guy entered to a school shooted every where and killed around 20 peoples and killed him self.
just like palestina noobs xD
They dont have enough money for guns, so they take bombs and rapes themselfs in stores.
its the same but they do it for their god or smth!??!?!
No, some retard said to al laravics if they will rape themselfs they will die and get to heaven with 40 virgens, and I'm fucking not kidding. It proves how retarded arabs are.
your oppinion + the facts about suicide bombers you poited out, aremaking me think that there will never be any solution.
there are currently none and the futures says so aswell. Untill some arabic will get brain they will keep killing innocent peoples.
israeli army is killing innocents too, the cycle of violence will never stop, untill ppl change their attitudes.

It’s the age-old conflict, the territorial dispute

Endless accusations flying about who has wronged who
Desperate determination to show no sign of weakness

The leaders take action while their people pay the consequences

Abandoning diplomacy, those in power unwilling to yield

Playing stupid fucking politics that just get people killed

Deciding that all out aggression is the best way to defend

so the cycle of violence starts all over again

It’s a bloodbath in the west bank

There is no end in sight

Both sides are so consumed with avenging death

that there’s no respect for life

Israeli soldiers are gunning down Palestinians

Murdering children for throwing stones

While Hamas is recruiting children to become martyrs

and murder more Israelis as suicide bombers

But the biggest obscenity of all of this hateful hostility

has been reducing through action and rhetoric into a subhuman enemy

The dehumanization of one another

has been the justification for the horrific brutality

It’s a bloodbath in the Gaza strip

There is no end in sight

Both sides are so consumed with avenging death

that there’s no respect for life

How many more?

How long?

Who’s right?

Who’s wrong?

Are they really so bloodthirsty in their hatred for the enemy

that they’re willing to disregard their own peoples safety?

They make their own people targets with every act of aggression

All in the name of teaching the enemy a lesson

Innocent people imprisoned by the violence that the conflict creates

Warmongers and butchers deciding everyone’s fate

How will there ever be peace with such human rights abuses?

When you dehumanize humans then all humanity loses

It’s a bloodbath in Bethlehem

There is no end in sight

Both sides are so consumed with avenging death

that there’s no respect for life
We are SOMETIMES, NOT IN PORPOSE killig innocent villagers as I've explianed to dreamwaver, but please, bombin urself in side store full of innocent peoples in PORPOSE and believeing they'll get reward at the end is far worse than what we do, alltought sadly we sometimes do.
Well, the cycle of violence will go on.
Maybe its not on purpose, but noone cares if there are several children killed in some bombings, or if the israelian army bombs a countrys (south lebanon) infrastructure back in the stoneage. Noone cares if the poverty in the palastine regions is so very high, due too israeli economic embargos.
and this discussion is pointless.
you, on the other hand, got much money, so you simply shoot to palestinian children and build a wall to close occupied people inside it =)
Actually this is where the world fails. The communication between israel and further countrys around the world is so dump it's unbelieve able. We are pretty poor aswell, we are a very small country and a faild govermant. We dont build walls and we DONT shoot innocent peoples, but when terrorists are hiding in the villages and bombs, fire to us, we have no other choices, do we?
Your country shouldn't exist in the first place.
terrorism is a kind of palestinians' expression of disability of freeing their land off of an occupant. =)
edit: ok i dont want to start the useless argument with the same arguments every time - again, you have country, you want to keep it, i would do the same if i were a jew. peace
omg yeah TWO times -.-

there was shitloads of it!
Somewhere in scandinavia some kiddie wanted to let kill his parents, because they didnt allow him to play playstation anymore and his internet nick was Sturmgeist89
I dont think that was Sturmgeist89, he killed 8 people in a school
oh sry that was a little kiddie in germany ^^
not funny ban
maybe not funny, but I don't rly find it very offensive either...
funny =)
Ok its only internets n stuff, but i mean the guys searching the funnies by taking that retards nick, failed epic imo.
he failed like peanut butter on pizza
my journal failed, delete it pls.
nah dont think it least it was good you tried ;)
ahahaha =D
Hmmmmmmmmmmm failed to make me lol...
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