run away from home :~<

im sick of hearing "if you live here, you obay my laws..."

so i want to run away from home :~>

give me places to sleep outside (i cant live 24/7 @ my friends house)

im going for 1 month away maybe :D

i will ask later my friends who got exp @ runnin away from home
gl running away from problems;x
zeh other option is to beat the crap out of my parents :D
You could call achmed, he does the job for you!
my father would kill this achmed :<
Just obay thier laws.
If I would live in jewland you could've stayed at my place!
copenhagen, kristiania theylll take u
its cool there.
ya, it izzz, going there in sometime to live % live % EVERYTHING!!!!
wee cool, i will come to visit you, i will go to Amsterdam for one year, after i finished school.
isnt it warm enough in israel to sleep outside in the desert?
first i live in the north, secend the desert is very low temp @ night around 10-20 even less...

and now its winter here so we have strong stormes
you live in the north. So what? its not like isreal is as big as america where you have the broderline to canada and florida
south is pure desert, and north is snow :<
Age: 17 ( 13 March 1990 )

Only 4 months left my dear
come 2 germany :DDD and live with us ( vix0r , adriano , penOxa , me) you know them right?
one of my best e-friends ^^
rofl also did but at StrAfs home its warm so :D btw im sure u've some deserts go there^^
wanted to do that too but i had so much fear that i didnt have the courage to do it. you can never know what will happen to you outside there in this cruel world...maybe you get hit by a nade and get gibbed so nobody is able to revive you but if you stay at home then your parents could call a medic who strafes down the street and sticks his syringe into you and then your parents give you ammo aka food which you cant find on the streets cuz there are no ammo cabinets!

trust me.
You miserable little ingrate, show your parents some respect for feeding and housing that lazy ass of yours.
tbh i work since i was young at washing houses...

i know how to survive by myself, and i help my parents more then they help me
image: panda
he'll protect you.. maybe bad men will come and rape you :(
MMm, i don't think you pay for your own meal and cook it yourself in your house which u've payed for and sleep in your bed which you bought yourself?
they decided to fuck and have a little theodor so it's not his fault
i dont eat @ home :<
and i dont rly care sleeping on a bench out side :O)
imo u are sounding like a 15 year old...your parents prolly love u and try to take care of must understand that ur parents might be worried when u party every night till 5 o clock
i dont party cuz i hate it, and i all day work and @ school...
but still, they give u a place to sleep, pay for your school, give you money to do stuff ( even if it isn't much ), they are responsible for should show a bit more respect for your parents :> i really don't like my father either but i still respect him in some way since he works hard and maybe therefor he is pretty moody sometimes
it doesnt matter...

its like saying its ok to live with parents who abuse you just cuz they give you food and a place to sleep.

every one deserve to live in honor, and honor is earn by respect :(
running away is justified when u are beaten or something, i don't want to interfere with your home situation but if you aren't getting abused, verbaly or physicly, i'd suggest u hold on for a few more months cuz u are going to the army anyways in a few months
its the moral in here :<
very low :O

when i be at army i wont be at home for minimum 10 years :D
well, since you are almost turning 18 i assume you are mature enough and i would simply confront your parents with it and discuss the matter..can't be that hard?
dont that, and they just dont rly care :D
oké, i'm out of ideas now :D so if i were you i'd spend more time with my friends so you won't be home that often
join ze army and die!
or run to palestina they like u!
MMmm, I'd just find a place where u can hang out with m8's so you don't have to be at home 24/7...
ye, smoke some goooooooooooodgoooooooood weed n stuff
Smoking is bad for u:<
SO WHAT?!?! :((
i don't want to you to die so young <3
smoking kills after alot of years not already after 1 :p
so? i wanna grow old with u!
heyhey! i know some very old men (80+ yo) who smoke 'kiff' (very pur hashish) and are still sooooo smart and strong !
mmm, i just don't wanna take any chances!

btw! i see you are french :> how do u translate currency rates into french?! i need it for a french paper, plz :P
what do you mean exactly ? you would transtale the words 'currency rate' or what ?
yes...i have to make a small paper about L'Introduction de l'euro...and one of the advantages is that a company no longer needs to trade with currency for example the currency rate of the dollar is very high...i typed: Par conséquent un commerçant peut acheter ou vendre des produits sans des échangement monaire donc la commerce devient plus facile...but i don't think échangement monaire is the right word :P and this is kind of important cuz if i do it right i can get some good grades
Par conséquent un commerçant peut acheter ou vendre des produits sans avoir a echanger/convertire son unité monaitaire, le commerce devient donc plus simple...
oké, thx alot! that was the last mistake in my text and i couldn't find it on babelfish or google :<
yew, google speaks a much better french than me anyways :P
lol yea :D
btw..isn't it une unité monétaire instead of monaitaire :D
haha yes it is =DD

get why i said that now ? :P
apply for suicide bombing
after you will apply for getting sense of humor
ah im joking , but seriously go in the army or something hehe since u seem addicted to it by ur profile , bbl reky out
every one join the army at age 18 after he finish school.

and its not joining cuz you cant choose if go or not, its a must to go
Ok, if you seriously plan on doing this, you'll need to get yourself some money , 'coz I wanna bet nobody is so retarded that they'll just give you food and a place to sleep (mb some friends for a short period of time, but not for long). You can always go to a local pub or smth, and just do the dishes there in return for a sleepingplace / small meal. Also, make sure you won't get tempted by your parents, because they will cry and beg you back. IF you do this, I guess you've thaught about it well, and made some kinda negotiation plan or smth. Stick to that, but don't be too focussed on your goals, let your parents have some speech in it too :>

Good luck with it! :)
'I wanna bet nobody is so retarded that they'll just give you food and a place to sleep '

wrong there mister spree.
well, not here in holland. and you forgot a little part, I also wrote for a short period of time, but nobody will feed and house him for a month ;/
must admit, you are quite right.

edit.. id feed a crackwhore for months if necessary
tbh my friends can feed me for a month :D

thats called good friends :<

but in israel its not like in NL :D
ofc your friends will do that for you, mine would do so too, but what do you think about their parents? and sooner or later you'll have to return what they did for you, dno if that is a problem, but my guess is you won't spend a whole month @ a friends place ;) I mean, why would you write a journal if u just cud go there :)
their parents love me more then my parents ^^

but i ask cuz i dont want to be a whole month at my friends house
ok, well try the pub idea then, imo it works fine ;)
'goof' friends? check dictionary.
use heroin, i heard its the SHIT and you dont need anything els!
You will need beer , food and girls to survive tbh
so? WHAT U NEEED THEN????????????????????
ooooooops...was meant to reply to trick there... :) :)
+++need so good shiiiiii......china whhhhhhh...te
just go to the dessert mozes&co lived there for 40 years
hahahahah :D
Join zhe army!
Oh my god, grow up
U deserve it for ur smiley! ;)
they dont know i have e-life :D
I hear the Gaza strip is lovely this time of year.
so why dont you go there and die?
I'm too young to die! :(
Wish you were there :( please make my dream come true would you?
So much hate. :(

Wanna come with me?
Sure ill be up for that.
aren't u an admin? n1 making racist jokes yourself but banning any1 else who does
Uh, what?

What is racist about what I said?
that place is, as you know, often used in racst point in discussion it with you but just wanted to mention it
obviously u've insulted him by your extremely hilarious joke, which wasn't hard to know yourself...and since admins here are banning ppl for nothing these days, also for racist jokes, i was merely stating you are doing the same as ppl you're banning
lol, thx for proving me u what every1 is telling all along...u really are a retard and it seems ur even proud of it!
You're hurting my feelings now. :(
bah, u really should be proud of yourself don't u?

lets just see what u've achieved in your life: u are gamer at the each of 22...u've went to lans in different country's so u even travel to play a fucking stupid game...i bet u don't have alot of friends cuz where i come from it's pretty normal to play games at the age of 15 but when ur 22 and still playing games u get laughed at but i assume u just play games since ur social skills aren't that developed...actually, i don't even know why i am doing this, prolly just to break ur mask because behind all of your arrogance there is a sad 22 year old twat, now enjoy banning me but hopefuly u'll realise one day u are a sad person with a small amount of friends who prolly are die hard gamers just like you
You got problems.

And I wouldnt exactly recommend winter as the time to run away, its cold and stuff.
nah i got hard skin :P
alcohol, drugs and girls (one of this) should solve ur probs..
i dont drink or take drugs, and you refuse to be my wife :<

this must be the reson i want to run away :O
poor you for not being my wife...
you could finally be happy @ bed
haha u dreamin allrdy again?
xfire gonna die without you :<
my friends have i-net ^^
oh noes! :XD
xfire died already cuz lolkino is banned :<!
btw why he is banned?
get a job n get ur own place ;)
Mhh i got no advice for u sry :~<

but if u really gonna do this you need alot of luck (imo)


gl mate :)
no luck, just skill ^^
okidoki so...

oh plz :<

you are not a nice person
and i believe you are, you're just making "HOMEMADE" Prison Break show
not rly, just places to stay out from home
fools get a life
wtf o0
what happened
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