Rise of the Footsoldier

Fucking nice movie. Really unpredictable story line. It lacks character development tho (seems kinda rushed - should be a 3h movie imo). Go grab it.
a mas kasn dobr torrent z dokaj uredu seederjemi? ;b
invite ofc !!1 ;b
footsoldiers from Turtles?
lol It's 3 hours long?

I downloaded it from scenemachine last night, DVD screener, so I'll watch it after my Futurama movie I also got ;]
"seems kinda rushed - should be a 3h movie imo" ...
I only read Waki's comment so assumed it was 3hrs long :P
have u seen Gone with the wind?

didn't get bored in 4h at least :D
Forest Gump was 3 hours long, and it wasnt boring or anything.
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