change this plz

» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.

that says it all.

move admins.
» You cannot post two comments in a row that fast.
Journal restriction is kinda useful, but the comment restriction isn`t. :(
I would have agree'd with you earlier, except the comment spam filter stopped me.
Sol threatened to ban me when I talked about this last time :(

But I guess he had his rights, I could have used the thread that already existed, but cf was made to be spammy!
sol threatened you ?

be happy he normally just bans if hes bored.
so he must be bored like... always?
Nah, after getting banned 2 times by him by him now, so I think we have a special bound.

Atleast I think it was him:D
if getting banned for 2 times creates a special bound, Puu should mary sol, according to his uncountable bans
Hehe, I guess Im just lucky that he was in a good mood ;)
hehe xD
i love you all
It's primarily used to stop people from using the comments like an IM, replying endlessly. And it works really good.
Just wait a minute or whatever the limit is, no big deal.
so its a crime to have conversations on cF (public) ??
Is it a crime to ban fucktards for stupid questions?

Here's a clue mate; it's the same answer for both!
nice insulting someone without any reason...
does it matter?
lol i dont understand why crossfire care about spam...

they get more money when they have more ppl on the web site cuz of commercial
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